Page 47 of When You Say I Do

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“Don’t bring Emily into this,” I warn as she approaches me like a tiger on the prowl.

“But don’t you see, Will?Youbrought Emily into this. The moment you said‘I do’in some tacky casino.”

She slinks up to me and places her palms on my chest. Her fingertips graze over my shirt, but the touch does nothing but bring a chill up my spine.

“But I forgive you. You’ll get the annulment, we’ll get married. And our businesses will be in safe hands.”

I stand rigid and rooted on the spot, while I try to scramble words.

But Madeline is in no mood to wait. The next thing I know, her blouse is ripped open and she’s grabbing my collar and pressing up to me, with a forceful kiss.

Her performance overwhelms me, and the cold sensation spreads throughout my whole body, freezing me in place.

I’ve left my body, and I’m standing in the corner of the room shouting at myself to wake up and throw the woman off!

But I can’t move. It’s like she has me under a curse, and I’m forever destined to be frozen in place.

That’s when the office door opens, and on the inside of my head, I’m screaming louder than Luke Skywalker when he found out Darth Vader is his father.

Emily stands, her eyes wide and hollow, as she takes in the scene.

Madeline stops kissing me and touches the corner of her mouth as she smacks her lips together. Then she makes the most wicked smile that fills me with such intense rage, it thaws the ice in me, and I launch into action.

I jump back and lift my palms.

“I did not consent to that,” I begin to say.

But Emily’s eyes are misty as she looks from Madeline to me again.

“It’s, uh… well. You know what. I don’t want to get in the way of whatever this is… I’m done.”

Emily circles around and flies out of the room. I go for her, but Madeline grabs my bicep. “Let her go, Will. You’ll only hurt her even more if you don’t. You and I both know that.”

I finally look at Madeline, as she buttons up her blouse, looking far too pleased with herself.

And I can’t decide who I hate more. Her for putting me in this situation, or me.

For doing nothing.


The cold air bites at my cheeks as I step out of the cab, the stars above London seeming distant and uncaring.

My heart feels heavy, the image of William and Madeline kissing in his father's study replaying in my mind like a cruel loop.

I pull my coat tighter around me, seeking some small comfort in its warmth.

I hurry up the steps to my apartment, a desperate need to find solace in Sasha's presence driving me.

I imagine us curled up on the couch, a tub of ice cream between us, as I pour out my heart about the whole twisted situation. The thought is a small beacon in the turmoil of my emotions.

But as I unlock the door and step inside, the scene before me stops me in my tracks.

Sasha and Evan are entangled on the couch, thankfully they’re both fully dressed, looking up in surprise as I enter.

The comforting scenario I had envisioned shatters, replaced by the unexpected reality of their presence.

"Evan?" I ask through a gasp. “Get off my best friend!”
