Page 46 of When You Say I Do

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I am not super excited by the idea of spending more time with my childhood bully.

As the evening draws on, people begin to leave. Until finally, it’s just Madeline left.

“Madeline, William. Can I speak to you both in my office. I’d like to go over the details of this merger,” Mr. Willoughby says, putting down his napkin and gesturing to the doors.

His gaze lands on me, and his expression is stern despite the smile on his face.

“We won’t be long, Emily. Please, allow my staff to bring you another glass of wine.”

William’s jaw is bulging, and he gives me an apologetic look before he rises to his feet. “I’ll be back,” he murmurs, before planting a kiss on my temple. “Then I’ll take you far away from here, and we’re going straight to bed.”

I smile to myself, but it fades as I watch William following his father and Madeline out of the room. What I would give to be a fly on the wall for whatever conversation they might have.


As I follow my father and Madeline into his office, a sense of foreboding gnaws at me.

The office, a room steeped in history and power, is lined with dark wood paneling and shelves of leather-bound books. My father's desk, a massive piece of polished mahogany, sits imposingly at the center, a symbol of his authority.

He takes his seat behind the desk, his mood palpably elated. "William, Madeline," he begins, his voice brimming with enthusiasm, "I've just got off the phone with Madeline's father. We've agreed to a merger."

I listen, my heart sinking with every word. "That's not all," he continues, his eyes gleaming with what he clearly sees as a masterstroke. "The merger will proceed under one condition – that you, William, and Madeline marry before the winter. It will secure our assets and keep them in the family."

My anger flares. "Marry? I'm already married, Dad."

Madeline, standing beside me, looks horrified, her composure slipping for the first time.

But my father waves a dismissive hand. "That foolish night in Atlantic City? I've already called the lawyer. It'll be annulled before you can say matrimony."

I stand my ground, my voice firm. "No. I won't do it. I love Emily, and I refuse to be a pawn in this ridiculous deal."

Madeline touches my arm, her voice soft but insistent. "William, can we have a moment alone, please?"

My father, looking displeased but resigned, leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

Once alone, Madeline turns to me, her usual poise replaced by a hint of desperation. "William, please understand. This merger, it's important for our families.”

I begin to pace the room, shaking my head at the absurdity. “I can’t believe we’re still talking about this.”

“Think about it logically, Will,” Madeline says, softening her voice.

The last word strikes me deep, and I halt. “Don’t call me that.”

She cocks her head to the side. “You used to love me calling you Will. Remember the summer of 2009?”

Her red lips curl upward while I ball my hands into fists. “No. I’ve blocked it out of my mind. Forever.”

Madeline’s smile falls, but she recovers herself with a flick of the wrist. “You and I have our fathers’ legacy to think about. We have houses. Company assets. All of that is at risk if we marry just anybody.”

I rake a hand through my hair in disbelief. “That’s no way to live, Madeline. Agreeing to a loveless marriage just to avoid the risk of losing some cash.”

“It’s not just cash,” Madeline snaps, her eyes flashing. “It’s our inheritance. Our reputation.”

I press my lips together. “I don’t recall you giving your reputation a second thought when you hopped into bed with Hank when we were together.” My college roommate and best mate.

Ex-best mate now.

Madeline shuts her mouth and sets down her glass. “I see it now.Emily.You married her to hurt me and flip the bird to your father. This is about revenge.”
