Page 107 of Maybe Baby

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“Who’s going to take care of you there?” she asked.

“Denise, I’ll be fine. I'll rest like I’m supposed to.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant, Tylar?”

“Because I didn’t know, Denise, and that's between you and me, okay?”

She nodded; I could see her mind working. “Is Mark the father?”

I wasn't going to confirm or deny anything to Denise. Her allegiance to Ray was much stronger than any allegiance she might have to me. Ray’s allegiance was to Trey, period. I ignored her question altogether. She walked me to my cottage. As soon as I climbed up onto the porch, the front door opened.

“What kind of a mess did you get yourself into this time, girlfriend?”

“Oh my God, Gina!” I exclaimed, giving her a huge hug.

“I’m here for the week,” she announced, “and I'll be staying right here with you to make sure you follow the doctor’s orders, understand?”

“That's fantastic,” I replied.

Gina was showing Denise that she'd stocked my small fridge with healthy fruits, juices, dairy, and veggies and my cupboards were stocked with cereal, granola bars, macaroni and cheese, and assorted soups and crackers. Denise seemed satisfied that Gina would see to my health and recovery. She gave me a quick hug, telling me she would check on me later. I thanked Denise for all that she'd done for me, once again.

After she left, Gina ordered me to lie down on the couch. She got a pillow and blanket for me, and I allowed her to help me get comfortable. She asked if I was hungry or thirsty but I wasn’t. I knew that she wanted to talk, and I was ready now. I filled Gina in on what had happened the night when Charlie assaulted me. I let her know that Charlie was the one who'd left the jewelry, the ripped up silk pajamas, the notes, and he was most likely the one who’d taken the picture of Mark and me kissing and sent it to Trey.

I told Gina everything about what happened when I was 13; that Charlie had been one of my mom’s “boyfriends” and that he’d assaulted me back then. I hadn’t recognized him because it had been dark in my room that night, eight long years ago. Gina asked why I hadn’t told the detectives everything that I was telling her. I really didn’t know why, and I said as much. I said that part of me just wanted it to end with his arrest for assaulting me and be done with it. As long as he was locked up and stayed locked up that was all that I cared about.

There was just one more revelation I had to share with Gina. I wasn’t sure how much she already knew. “Gina, I’m almost two months pregnant,” I said very matter-of-factly.

“Oh. My. God!” she screamed, hugging me closely.

I guess she hadn’t been told this already. Perhaps everyone and their brother didn’t know my business yet. “That's so fucking fantastic, Ty. You know your baby is gonna be beautiful, don’t you? I mean look at you; look at Trey? I can think of only one other couple who might have a baby that comes close.”

“Let me guess,” I laughed, “Ian and Gina?”

“You got it, girlfriend!”

“There’s just one thing: Trey doesn’t know he’s the father.”

“What the fuck do you mean, ‘he doesn’t know’?”

I knew she was going to go all east coast on me with that last revelation. I explained to her in as much detail as I was comfortable with what had happened the night in the stable.

“You mean to fucking tell me he doesn’t remember that you and he, you know, did it?”

“He was pretty wasted that night, Gina. He had an almost empty bottle of Jack Daniel’s when I found him. I think he was blacked out. Is that possible?”

“Hell, Ian claims some of the best sex he gets from me is when I’m passed out, so who knows? I think anything’s possible with Jack! But hey, aren’t you going to tell him?”

“I don’t think so, Gina. You have to promise to keep this our secret, okay?”

“Yeah, sure, but who does he think the father is?”


“Holy shit! If you leave like you’re planning how do you think he’s going to treat Mark? I mean, I know Trey's a jealous maniac, but come on, if he thinks Mark's not standing by you in your time of need, don’t you think Trey's going to make him pretty miserable?”

“I haven’t figured that part out yet. It may not even be a problem. With Trey’s parents back from Europe, I've a feeling that he’s going back to Atlanta for good. He may not be back until next summer. I’m told that's pretty much his routine. Besides, Mark planned on moving on after the fall competition.”

We let the discussion drop for now as Gina went to the kitchen to make lunch for us. While she fixed grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup I looked over my finances. Over lunch, we discussed my plans. She wanted me to come back to Atlanta with her to stay.
