Page 116 of Maybe Baby

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“We will be in contact with you should we have any further questions as the investigation continues. Thank you for making the trip here, Ms. Preston. Going forward we will take care not to inconvenience you unless absolutely necessary. We can do video conferencing if any further interviews are required prior to filing the charges. We will let you know the outcome prior to filing any additional or reassessing the current charges to upgrade them to more serious felonies.”

That was it, I was done. I texted Trey as instructed. A limo was dispatched for me and I arrived at the airport well in advance of my flight. I was able to get my flight changed to an earlier departure. Once on the plane, I felt better than I had all day. I was going home.


My second trimester had started and I was feeling great. The nausea and fatigue were gone and I'd gained five pounds. I was ecstatic and I could hardly wait to get my baby bump.

I was eager to secure a job so that I'd have an income until the baby arrived. I registered with a temp agency the week after I arrived back in Radcliff and was delighted to hear from them when I returned from Virginia. I was being offered a 20-week assignment filling in at a law firm that would take me up to just a few weeks before my due date. I happily accepted. The job was right in Radcliff. They wanted me there for a week before the administrative assistant, Kara, who was leaving on maternity leave, was due to go out so that she could train me. I'd be handling the debt collections. My hours were ideal: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kara explained the process from the initial complaint filing to garnishment or lien attachment. It was a straightforward process that she clearly outlined for me. The two weeks of training passed quickly.

I'd been there for three weeks and was coming back from lunch with a stack of files in my arms when Jill the receptionist at the front desk caught my attention, waving me over to her desk. She looked semi-frantic and I was wondering what could have possibly changed her usual, laid back demeanor.

“Tylar,” she said in a loud whisper, “there’s an attorney in your office waiting to see you.”

“An attorney in my office?”

“Yes,” she stammered, “he’s like really, really gorgeous.”

Oh God!

“His name is Mr. Sinclair. Do you know him?”

“Yes I do,” I answered, puzzled as to why Trey would show up here unannounced like this. “I used to work for him.”

“He seems a bit—distraught,” Jill said, reluctantly.


She nodded.

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” I said very nonchalantly although my hands trembled. I hurried down the hall to my office, clutching the thick file folders. As I opened the door with one hand, balancing the stack of folders in the other, I was keenly aware that Trey stood next to my desk. Holding my files with both hands, I kicked my door shut with my foot. He was right there beside me.

“Here,” he said, taking the stack of file folders from my hands, “allow me, Tylar.”

“Trey?” I said, genuinely surprised to see him.

He set the files on my desk, and then turned to me. “Please sit down, Tylar,” he said, taking my hand and moving me around to the nearest chair. He was acting very strange; it was as if I'd suddenly turned into a delicate China doll that could break at any minute. The suspense was killing me.

“Trey, what's going on? Why are you here? The last I knew we weren’t on speaking terms?”

He sat on the edge of my desk and I swiveled my chair around to face him. His nearness to me was distracting. His tailored linen shirt couldn't hide the muscular arms and chest beneath. His chin dimple drove me to distraction, along with his dark brown mass of tousled hair. His gaze was serious, penetrating as he leaned forward, putting each of his hands on the arms of my chair so that I couldn't turn away from him.

“Tylar,” it was almost a whisper as the words were spoken, “is there something that you need to tell me?”

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” I hedged.

“Don’t play with me,” he said his voice on edge.

I shrunk back from him, trying to increase the distance between our bodies and his piercing gaze, which didn’t falter in its intensity. “Say what you’re here to say Trey. I’m on the clock.”

“You're havingmybaby,” he declared, daring me to deny it, blue eyes flashing.

“No,” I replied obstinately, “I'm havingmybaby.”

He wasn't deterred one bit by my response. He eyed me warily. I knew he wanted more information and he wanted it now.

“I’m not leaving Radcliff until you and I've had the opportunity to discuss this, do you understand?” I nodded, somewhat intimidated by his intensity.

“What time does your shift end?”
