Page 145 of Maybe Baby

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“What will my job responsibilities be?”

“I’ve no idea. I left that in the hands of Janice Landrick, my competent HR director. She’s expecting you at 9 a.m. sharp.”

“Will we be riding to work together, Trey?”

“Well, I usually leave for the gym at 6:30 and then shower and dress there. It’s in the same building as our firm.”

“Oh, I see,” I replied. I was curious as to how much Trey had shared with his H.R. director. “How exactly did you explain our relationship to Janice?”

“I didn’t,” he replied, stuffing the last quarter of his sandwich into his mouth. “Tylar,” he began in his serious lawyer-tone, “our relationship doesn’t exist when we’re at the firm. You wanted a job and now you have it.” He was now looking at me expectantly, his eyes searching mine for some kind of confirmation.

“Ipso facto, counselor,” I replied, licking peanut butter seductively off of my fingers.

Later that evening, I was curled up in his massive bed while Trey showered. My mind was racing with questions. I still wondered exactly what Trey had told his H.R. director about our connection. Was I supposed to call him ‘Mr. Sinclair’? I thought about Gina and Ian coming over tomorrow. When I gave her directions to Trey’s place, she commented that his doorman probably wouldn’t let riff raff like her past the entrance. I let Trey know they’d be visiting; his only reaction was an eye roll. I heard the shower shut off. Perhaps now that he'd taken a shower he would feel refreshed enough to answer some of my questions.

Trey emerged several minutes later, his hair towel dried damp, naked except for his drawstring pajama pants that were slung low on his hips. He flipped a switch on his sound system and the room filled with classical instrumental music. Trey climbed into bed with me, snuggling under the covers. I perched my head on my elbow to watch him get comfortable. He turned to me, catching my gaze.

“What?” he asked, eyeing me warily.

“Nothing,” I said, not eager to kill the mood by bringing the matter up again, “I just wondered how you explained our connection and needing a job at your firm to Janice.”

Trey sighed, a hint of impatience in his voice, “I said that you interned for our family business this past summer, that you needed a job, and asked her if there was anything open at the firm. She said there was, and you start Monday, period.”

“Well, I mean how does she know if I’m qualified to do whatever this job entails?”

“Trust me, babe, it’ll be some gopher-type position. You’ll do fine.”

Hell no, he did not just say that!

Trey realized how insulting his comment was as soon as it escaped his mouth. His expression was one of instant regret but it was too late. I narrowed my eyes at him giving him an evil stare before turning away from him and pulling the covers under my chin.

“Tylar,” his voice was apologetic, “I didn’t mean it the way it sounded—I’m sorry.” He scooted over so that his body was just inches from mine. His hand brushed against my covered up shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. I raised an arm out from underneath the sheets and patted his arm consolingly.

“That’s okay,” I replied without looking. “Apology accepted.” I pulled my arm underneath the covers and made no further attempt to acknowledge him. If we were going to be a family, I'd have to let some minor misunderstandings slide. After a few moments, he sighed heavily and turned over so that we were back to back. I drifted off to sleep.


On Sunday morning Trey and I got up fairly early. I started making the bed and he stopped me. “I have a housekeeper who comes in during the week,” he advised.

“So what do you do on weekends?” I asked.

“Live like a pig, I guess,” he admitted laughing.

“I don’t roll that way baby,” I replied, “come on, it won’t kill either of us to pick up after ourselves on weekends. Grab the sheets, let’s make the bed. I want to show Gina around the apartment when they come by this afternoon.”

Trey grudgingly obliged, helping me tidy up the bedroom and then the bathroom after we finished our shower. While he was in his study checking his emails I decided to make our first breakfast as official co-habs: coffee, scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast. Trey came in, freshly showered, lured by the scent of brewed coffee. He wore a long-sleeved black Henley shirt and jeans I’d never seen before. He looked fit and muscular in the faded blue denim, ripped at the knee and snug. He wore socks but no shoes, his hair was still damp. I knew every inch of his body, yet I caught myself admiring Trey’s masculinity.

Filling his coffee mug, he smiled warmly, saying, “This looks great, Tylar.” I sat across from him sipping my orange juice as I thought about what I needed to do today.

“Trey, do you like chili?” I asked.

“I love chili,” he replied, spearing a forkful of eggs, “why?”

“I thought I'd see if you’ve got all of the ingredients on hand and put a pot of chili on for this afternoon. I thought you and Ian might want to watch football or something while I visit with Gina. Is that all right with you?”

He rolled his eyes slightly, mumbling a “Yeah, I guess.”

“Trey, you’ve never really talked to Ian. I think you’ll like him if you’d let yourself. I want to have friends here, you know.”
