Page 166 of Maybe Baby

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“So the doctor hadn’t released you to ride, is that it?” Tristan asked me.

“No,Treyhadn’t released me to ride,” I clarified.

Tristan was laughing now, looking at both of us, “And Trey had the horse scratched from the race?”

“Yes, we were already at the starting gate. I was humiliated!”

“Tylar,” he said, looking at Trey affectionately, “I love my little brother, don’t get me wrong, but he can be as stubborn and controlling as the day is long. This I know. I could tell you some stories,” he laughed, eyes sparkling with amusement.

“Hey, I’ve got plenty of stories I could tell on you,” Trey replied with a grin, jabbing his finger at Tristan.

“I already know the one about Kate and ‘bumping uglies,’” I commented.

“What?” Trey asked his eyes wide with surprise.

“Your mom and I had a nice chat while we made cookies,” I giggled.

“Oh God. I do remember that,” Tristan replied. “Trey, I should’ve kicked your ass right then and there.”

“I don’t think it would’ve been a fair fight, Tristan,” Trey laughed. “I was what, like maybe eight at the time?”

“Seriously though Trey,” Tristan said, “Are you going to the party at the Andrews’ tomorrow night?”

What party?

“Sure,” Trey answered, “why not?”

“If you think Caroline was a pill tonight, how do you think she’ll be when she has her sidekick Tess beside her?”

Trey glanced over at me, realizing that I was just hearing about this for the first time. “Tylar, Dad said something about this to me today when we were out cutting the tree. I meant to tell you. We’re all invited over to the Andrews’ house tomorrow evening. Every year they have a Christmas evening cocktail party for friends and family.”

Oh that’s just flippin’ great!

“Trey, you seriously want to take me around Tess andLandon?”

“What about Landon?” Tristan asked.

Trey told Tristan about Landon’s tactless comments during Thanksgiving, not mentioning the part that he'd shared with me about the baby not being Trey’s. It continued to bother me that Trey had never told his family the truth.

“I just don’t feel that I'd be comfortable around them,” I commented.

“Tylar, it’s important to my parents and to me that we don’t shun the Andrews. I promise not to leave your side, okay?”

“I’ll have your back too, sis,” Tristan joked.

I nodded, still uncomfortable with the idea. I so wished that Gina was here. I excused myself from Trey and Tristan and retreated to the opposite end of the barn to dial Gina. We only talked briefly as Ian’s family was there. She bitched about her mother-in-law; I complained about my soon-to-be sister-in-law. I told Gina about my ring. She asked me to take a picture of it and send it from my phone. I told her that I would, wished her a good holiday, and hung up so I could shoot a picture of my gorgeous ring. Moments after texting it to her, I received a response.

“Jesus Christ girl, what a rock! That’s got to be 5 carats! The Hot Nazi has great taste. Tell him Ian and I said ‘Merry Christmas.’ Love ya!”

By the time that Tristan, Trey, and I returned to the house, Nigel and Caroline had retired for the night. Tristan left us and went to visit with his parents in the family room.

“Trey,” I said, “can I give you your Christmas presents up in our room?”

“Why?” he asked, puzzled.

“I just don’t want any rude comments from Caroline. She really makes me uncomfortable. I wanted to get you so much more than I did and she will probably make me feel bad in comparison to this exquisite ring that you gave me.”

“Whoa,” he interrupted me, “first of all, that ring isn’t your Christmas present, okay? That’s for our engagement. I have something else for you for Christmas.”

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