Page 171 of Maybe Baby

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“Trey, I have to go now. I’m helping Becky with Christmas dinner,” I lied. “I’ll see you when you get back from the party.”

“Have it your way, Tylar. I was hoping you’d be up for coming to the Andrews’ tonight. I’ll let my parents know that we won’t be going.”

“There’s no reason for you to stay behind. Obviously Tess wants to see you for some reason. Aren’t you curious to find out why she called your office?”

“I already know why she called my office,” he replied as if it hadn’t been worth mentioning before.

What the hell?

“So you talked to her? I thought you agreed that you weren’t going to return her call?”

“I didn’t return her call. She called me again at the office a few days later. I was in and took the call,” he replied impassively.

“I see,” I responded coolly. “It wasn’t worth mentioning to me?”

“It has nothing to do with you, Tylar. She had a legal matter to discuss.”

“What kind of a legal matter?” I dared him to tell me it was none of my business.

“I’m not at liberty to discuss this with you. I’m sorry.”

“Fine,” I snapped. “I’ll see you later Trey.” I powered off my phone and tried my best to put everything out of my mind for the day. Becky’s nephew Nate and his family arrived mid-afternoon. I immediately fell in love with their newborn son, holding him as often as Nate’s wife Julie allowed.

She was breastfeeding the baby and I had lots of questions for her. Seeing her holding her tiny son against her breast and witnessing the bond between them stirred something deep within me. What could possibly be more beautiful than that? I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotions: longing, loneliness, isolation. How did things get so messed up?

Becky drove me back to the manor shortly after 7 p.m. The lights were lit at the front door, but I suspected everyone was gone except for the staff. I hugged Becky, thanking her for her hospitality.

To my surprise, Tristan opened the door for me. He wore black trousers and a white oxford shirt under a grey v-neck sweater.

“Tristan,” I stammered, “hasn’t the family left for the party?”

“They have,” he replied, smiling, “I stayed behind to take care of some pressing business.”

I wondered what kind of pressing business he would have to take care of on Christmas Day. “Did Trey go with them?”

“He’s upstairs,” Tristan answered nodding toward the staircase, “I think he’s waiting for you. I’m leaving now, so Merry Christmas, Tylar. Maybe I’ll see you both later?”

I looked up and saw the compassion in his eyes. He knew what had happened. I felt my cheeks redden.

“You know sometimes things aren’t nearly as horrific as we imagine. I think Trey really wants to talk to you. I won’t keep you.” He turned and was out the door. I climbed the stairs apprehensively, unsure what to expect when I saw Trey. Although I hated this feeling of isolation, I was still bothered that Trey had not shared with me his conversation with his ex-fiancé. Was that really so unreasonable? Apart from Caroline trying to alienate me from Trey and his family, I now had to contend with Tess?

Trey was fully dressed and lounging on his bed when I entered. He stood slowly, closing the distance between us. I drank in his nearness, wanting to initiate contact but unsure of what his reaction would be.

“I missed you today,” he said, wrapping his arms around me. “I’ve been an ass, according to Tristan anyway.”

“What?” I asked, puzzled.

Trey smiled, lifting my hand to his face, brushing his lips across my knuckles. “Yes. He gave me a well-deserved lecture. That’s why he stayed behind, insisting I do the same,” he smiled. “It seems you have captivated yet another Sinclair man, Tylar. Tristan was extremely succinct in explaining how I handled, or should I say, ‘mishandled’ everything yesterday.”

“Stop,” I said, placing my hand flat against his chest. “This isn’t just about the Caroline situation. This has just as much to do with Tess contacting you and you keeping it from me.”

“I explained the conversation is privileged, Tylar.”

“So, she’s your client then?”

“Not officially, she did seek some advice from me.”

“Then there’s no attorney-client privilege.”
