Page 172 of Maybe Baby

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Trey couldn't hide his increasing frustration with me. “Christ Tylar! I’m trying to apologize here. I’ve already told you that my conversation with Tess is confidential. End of discussion. Get dressed. We’re going to the Andrews’ party and I expect you ready in 15 minutes. Please don’t keep me waiting.”

Trey turned on his heel and exited the room, leaving me red-faced and boiling mad. I gave myself several minutes to cool down. I considered my options, a feeling of defiance coming over me. Perhaps a party was just what the doctor ordered, I thought. This might prove to be an enlightening event. I was definitely not comfortable playing the injured party role, so I decided right then and there to stop.

But Iwilllook as hot as humanly possible tonight, I vowed. I pulled out the short black velvet cocktail dress that I'd bought in Atlanta before Christmas. It was sleeveless, with a sprinkling of silver sparkles in snowflake patterns. I wore a tailored black velvet bolero jacket over it and accessorized with a dainty silver chain and silver snowflake earrings. I pulled on my black lacey thigh highs and stepped into my four-inch spiked ‘fuck me’ pumps. I touched up my make-up and released my hair from the french braid, finger combing it into waves so it framed my face. I approved of the wild and dangerous look I saw in the mirror. That was exactly the look I needed to survive this messed-up party.

I descended the stairs as Trey paced in the foyer. He turned to watch me, his face appreciative as his eyes appraised me from top to bottom. They rested on my overflowing bosom. His eyes darkened discernibly. That was exactly the reaction I'd hoped to achieve. I glimpsed a slight frown crease his otherwise perfect forehead.

Trey went to the closet, pulling my long black wool coat out and holding it up for me. He watched as I fanned my hair out from underneath the collar of my coat as I buttoned it up.

“What’d you do to your hair?” he asked.

“Since I had no time to flat iron it,” I replied, “I just unbraided it and brushed it out. Why, don’t you like it?”

“I do,” he replied quickly, “It actually makes you look, I don’t know, like a different person almost.”

“Good,” I replied, “that’s the look I’m going for.”

Trey’s eyes narrowed infinitesimally at me. He placed his hand on the small of my back as he escorted me to his Lamborghini.

We rode in silence to the Andrews’ house, which was no more than a couple of miles away. A multitude of vehicles had parked on both sides of the circular drive leading up to the impressive mansion. Trey helped me from the car, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we made our way up the drive to the well-lit entrance. A servant greeted us, allowing us entrance into the front foyer. Trey helped me with my coat, handing it to the waiting servant. Party guests milled about in a huge room off to the right. Music emanated from an adjoining room. I strained to spot a familiar face. My eyes fell upon Susan, who was waving me over to the group of people standing with her. I hurried over, not willing to be tied to Trey’s side all evening.

Susan introduced me to several of the neighbors as I was already part of the family.

Clive approached the group, giving me a warm hug and kiss on the cheek. “Merry Christmas, Tylar, we missed you today. Are you feeling better?” I could see the warmth and compassion in his eyes.

“Much better, Clive, thank you,” I replied honestly. It was good to be out of hiding, I decided.

There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned, looking up into Tristan’s emerald green eyes. He was almost as exquisite as Trey. “May I have a dance before you become my sister-in-law and it’s hands-off?” He gave me a mischievous grin, holding his hand out. As we danced, he leaned down, whispering in my ear, “Don’t worry about the skinny bitch.” His warm breath made me shiver, his hand rubbed my back gently to offer moral support, I presumed. “She knows better than to say one wrong word to you, trust me.”

I saw Caroline standing with Nigel and another woman. “Who’s that standing with them?” I asked.

“That’s Tess, Caroline’s protégé,” he said flatly.

“I thought as much,” I replied. “Is her husband here?” I scanned the groups of people lingering nearby. I couldn’t locate any man who fit the physical form of a jockey.

Tristan scoffed, “They’re separated. Seems Tess has found someone else to her liking now.”

My heart sank. I knew it, she wanted Trey back. That explained her call for legal advice and the strict confidentiality Trey so adamantly protected. I suddenly felt sick and defeated. If he still had feelings for her, then I didn’t know Trey half as well as I thought I did. I lowered my lashes just enough to appear as if my eyes were closed, then assessed my competition. Tess was petite with a waif-like, fragile appearance. Her large brown eyes seemed to dominate her facial features. She looked like someone who'd lost too much weight, and not on purpose. Her hair was darker than mine and cut bluntly, falling just above her shoulders.

As I continued my lash-camouflaged perusal, I saw Trey join the group. He'd traded the champagne for liquor. Probably Jack Daniel’s, I thought wryly. He was genuinely sulking, and I took satisfaction in that fact. Tess stood next to him, her hand brushing his arm as he bent down to listen to what she was saying. He watched as Tristan and I danced, a frown line creasing his forehead. He took a final swig of his drink and approached us on the dance floor.

“May I cut in?” his voice was steely.

“Of course,” Tristan acquiesced, stepping aside.

Trey was still angry and his touch wasn't as gentle as Tristan’s had been. I looked at Tristan and saw an expression of amusement pass quickly over his face. Tristan knew that Trey was jealous and he enjoyed it.

“Enjoying yourself, Tylar?” Trey asked with forced congeniality, moving me away from Caroline’s steady glare.

“I was,” I replied, making no secret of my discontent.

He squeezed me to him tightly, making me squirm. “I think my brother was very appreciative of the view you provided him in that low-cut dress,” he hissed. I could smell the whisky on his breath. He stared at me, his eyes boldly raking the swell of my breasts. I turned my head to the side and spotted Caroline once again in my direct line of vision. Tristan had joined them and was talking to Tess. Nigel wasn't taking his eyes off of them. What strange dynamics between these people, I thought.

Trey’s lips brushed my neck, slowly planting warm kisses. I tingled at his touch. Deep within my belly a seed of desire grew. I was determined not to give in to it. I pulled back from him, spinning around and exiting the dance floor. I passed a waiter with a tray of champagne-filled flutes and grabbed one. I tossed it back, loving the bubbly taste. I set the empty flute aside, making my way back to the foyer. Trey was suddenly at my side, grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him.

“What do you think you’re doing?” His sapphire eyes flashed. I tried to jerk free of him but he would not release his hold.

“One glass of champagne isn’t harmful,” I hissed, not about to let him intimidate me. “It looks like you’re into your Jack pretty heavy tonight,” I snapped. “Plan on knocking someone else up?”
