Page 180 of Maybe Baby

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“Okay, that's pure cheesy, Trey," I reply rolling my eyes at him. "Have you called your parents yet?” I ask, watching Gina and the baby out of the corner of my eye.

“Yes, they’re ecstatic and want to fly over and spend some time with us. Mom wants to help when you get out of the hospital. Is that okay with you?”

“Of course Trey,” I answer, “I’d seriously appreciate her help. After all, she did such a fine, fine job with you.” He leans over and we kiss long and tenderly.

“Okay,” Gina pipes up, “my goddaughter is gagging over here at you two. Talk like that is going to end up giving her a brother before she’s ready for one!”

I blush at Gina’s remark though God knows I should be used to them by now. Preston starts fussing and within a minute she is into full-fledged wailing. My nurse hustles in, taking the baby from Gina and bringing her over to my waiting arms.

“This little one is hungry,” the nurse says, laughing. “She’s not shy about telling you either, Mommy. You're breastfeeding, yes?”

I nod. She must have read my body language or perhaps is just used to new mother apprehension.

“There’s no rocket science to nursing, Mom,” she starts, “you’ll be a bit nervous at first, afraid that you might be doing something wrong, not sure if the baby is getting enough to eat. Trust me, your baby will teach you how to feed her properly. The most important thing at first is to get comfortable with it. Your breasts are tender and as tiny as these little ones are, they can clamp on pretty tightly. The first day or so before your milk comes in you should nurse anyway. She’ll be getting the colostrum which is extremely important for her health. Your baby’s tummy is only the size of a shooter marble right now. As your milk comes in, her tummy grows accordingly, okay?” I nod again, grateful for her knowledge. Gina and Trey both watch transfixed as the nurse helps me with my nursing gown. I hold Preston against my breast as the nurse calls Trey over.

“Come here, Daddy. You can put yourself to use until Mommy gets comfortable with this, okay?” She shows Trey how to guide my nipple to Preston’s mouth, having to brush it against the baby’s lips in order to get her to latch on. It takes a few times and when she finally latches on, I know it.

“Wow,” I say, jumping a bit when she clamps on. Her instincts take over and soon I can feel her sucking rhythmically on my breast. Her little tiny fists knead and push into them. “How does she know to do that?” I ask the nurse, awestruck. Preston is making some very loud sucking noises.

“She knows to do it by instinct,” the nurse answers, laughing. “We’ll make sure she’s hydrated when she’s in the nursery.”

Nursery? I want her in my room!

Trey has been watching me and now he reads my mind.

“Tylar,” he speaks up in his lawyerly tone, “let the nurses look after the baby as they’re trained to do. I’m sure they like to monitor newborns for the first 24 hours.”

“Listen to your husband, Mrs. Sinclair,” she advises, nodding her head in agreement with Trey. I blush at her assumption that we're married. Trey has filled out the form for her birth certificate making sure her name was exactly the way he wants it. I grumble a bit, shooting Trey a sharp look for butting in. The nurse departs, promising to come back shortly to see how we're doing.

Gina gets up and stretches. “I’m leaving too,” she says, “I want to call Ian when I get home. The reception’s spotty in here.”

I know Gina feels little uncomfortable witnessing our intimate scene with Trey and I on the bed and Preston sucking loudly at my breast.

“Be back tomorrow?” I ask her.

“First thing in the morning,” Gina promises. “I already sent pictures of my goddaughter to Ian. He wants us to get pregnant soon.” Gina smiles and I can tell that she is on board with that as well. She gives me a hug and even hugs Trey, congratulating him before she leaves to go back to her Aunt Becky’s.

“Do you think the world is ready for Gina and Ian’s spawn?” Trey asks, smiling at me devilishly.

“Trey,” I say, in a louder voice than I intend, “be nice!” My voice has startled Preston and she drops my nipple. Her tiny little face turns red and scrunches up unhappily. She starts fussing and fidgeting, her little mouth rooting against me.

“Now see what you’ve caused with our daughter,” I reprimand him playfully. “Will you help me get her on the other one, Trey?”

“I’d be more than happy to oblige, Mrs. Sinclair,” he teases, his fingers pulling at my other nipple.

“It’s not Sinclair yet,” I remind him, shifting the baby.

Trey is taking quite a bit of pleasure in fondling my nipple. The last couple weeks of my pregnancy have seen Trey pretty much do without sexual gratification. I was constantly having Braxton Hicks contractions, so I wasn’t comfortable at the end. Trey tried to convince me that the best thing for suppressing false labor was semen.

Nice try, counselor!

I position Preston’s tiny head at my breast; Trey rubs my nipple gently between his thumb and forefinger and guides it close to her mouth. She latches on with a vengeance.

“Yikes, she has some bite to her,” I giggle. Feeling her nestle against my breast, her tiny fists kneading into me, is almost pleasurable. She starts with the loud sucking again and I can tell Trey is mesmerized. He is watching her as if he can’t believe that she is finally here.

“Are you disappointed we didn’t have a boy,” I ask.

“I wouldn’t change a thing about her,” he says, taking his fingers and gently stroking the dark tendrils that have escaped her pink knit cap.
