Page 24 of Maybe Baby

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“Why?” I asked.

“He's been a royal pain in our asses ever since what happened last Friday with you and all. That man, for all we’ve seen him in the last three years, has outdone himself this last week, giving us all extra projects. But, most of his time was spent at the hospital with you. Howdidhe find the time?”

“Well, you don’t look any worse for the wear."

“Yeah, I got the stamina,” he grinned, flexing his muscles for me. “I can take anything ‘ole rich boy dishes out. Poor Clint though, he has him working 12-hour days between here and the Belle. Clint’s busting his ass getting ready for this weekend. Oh,” he added, “just so you know, his royal highness didn’t permit any of us to go see you in the hospital. He felt it might be upsetting to you. He made that damn clear to all of us.”

“Yeah? What was that was about?” I murmured, clearly puzzled about Trey’s motives.

“Who knows? We all felt bad and were worried. We wanted to come up.”

“Don’t worry about it, Luke. It’s all good.” I smiled at him.

“You’re headed to the barn, I see.”

“Yes. I’m late for my date with Derringer. Have fun Luke!”

I grinned devilishly in the direction of Jenna’s cottage as I half turned away to continue down the path.

“Be careful,” he warned.

“You too.”

Derringer was pleased with my visit. Someone had been taking good care of him. His stall was clean and he'd been brushed to a glossy sheen. I spent several minutes talking with him and rubbing his neck. I felt content having visited him.

Once back at my cottage, I made some microwave popcorn and sat down to watch Jezebel’s race DVD. My cell phone rang. I snatched it off the kitchen counter, noting the same phone number as the previous night.

“Yes?” I answered in a clipped tone.

“Bad time?”

His soft, silky voice always unnerved me. I could handle his ‘mad’ voice and his ‘attorney’ voice, but this one made me melt.

“No, not really,” I responded coolly. “I was just popping some corn, getting ready to watch a DVD.”

“What did you do today, Tylar? Were you a good girl?”

Objection: Leading thewitness!

“If you're asking me if I sat tight as ordered, then the answer's no, I didn't. I spoke with Ray, got my assignment for next week. Let’s see, I did a couple of loads of laundry and cleaned the cottage. Oh and I took some carrots down to Derringer. There, satisfied?”

“Not as satisfied as I’d like,” he commented playfully.

Oh really?

“Do you have enough food to last in your fridge until I get back?” he questioned.

“Oh, that was you? Yes, thanks, Trey,” I replied. I could feel his smile over the phone. I was betting that his dimple was showing. He liked it when I used his first name.

"Are you still there?” smooth and silky asked. “Our connection seems much better tonight, don’t you agree?”

“Hmm. Yeah...I mean, yes.”

“Is there anything you need?”

“I’m good, for now.”

“Well, all right then. Please get your rest. And I'll see you soon.”
