Page 39 of Maybe Baby

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Clint cautiously complied. In seconds Trey carried me inside and placed me gently on my couch. Clint carried in my purse and the shopping bag. Trey snatched the silk pajamas and shoved them back into the bag so that they were out of my sight. Clint brought me a glass of water from the kitchenette. I accepted it, taking a sip, then another. Some calmness was starting to seep in. The swirling and shrieking had subsided. Trey sat next to me, looking at me, clutching my free hand as if he expected me to shatter into a million pieces at any moment.

“Can Clint go ahead and leave sweetie?” he asked me gently. I was confused. “Clint thinks you were screaming because of me,” Trey explained. “He wants to make sure that you aren’t afraid of me, that I wasn’t what made you start screaming just now.”

I understood now. Clint was going to protect me against Trey if necessary. He was a friend to me. I saw that now.

“Oh yes,” I said, “I’m sorry, Trey, Clint. I’m sorry for that out there.” They were both staring at me now. “Clint, thank you for coming to my rescue.” I smiled at him weakly. “I received a shock, but Trey’s not responsible. I’m okay, really.”

“Are you sure?” Clint asked quietly, moving in front of Trey, blocking his view of me for the moment while I answered him. He apparently wanted to make absolutely sure that I wasn't being forced to say this to him. I knew that this was really pissing Trey off. I heard Trey’s heavy sigh, as he mumbled, “Oh for Christ’s sake,” from behind Clint.

“No Clint, really, I’m fine. Talk to you tomorrow?”

“Sure thing,” he said. “I’m right next door, Ty. You just holler if you need me,” he assured me as he moved away.

As soon as Clint left, Trey closed the door abruptly behind him mumbling something inaudible. He returned to the couch, pulling me into his lap and cradling me against his strong chest. I rested my head against his chest; the sound of his heartbeat made me feel safe and secure.

As my pulse returned to normal, I leaned over pulling off my paddock boots and socks so that my feet were bare. I curled back up into Trey’s lap, sitting sideways in it. I pulled my bare feet up to rest flatly on his muscular left thigh. I liked the way his fawn riding pants felt underneath my toes. His right hand rubbed my back gently, reassuringly, and then moved up to my neck, rubbing and caressing me there. He cupped his fingers underneath my chin, tilting my face up so that I was looking into the depths of his sapphire eyes that were burning with something right now; I wasn't sure what until he lowered his mouth to mine.

I closed my eyes and felt his warm, sensual lips on my mouth. They moved slowly, caressingly over my lips; his hands now framed my face on each side. His tongue softly slid over my lips, parting them gently and expertly, and I could feel my heart quicken. Our tongues met in a sensual, playful exploration, and we found a perfect rhythm. I turned to jelly, placing my hands up on his face, wanting to feel every inch of it while my eyes were closed. The silk pajamas and note were momentarily forgotten as I drank in the sensual taste, feel and pleasure of Trey. He moaned softly, bringing our kiss to closure by placing soft kisses on my lips, my face, and bringing my hands up to his lips, kissing each one tenderly.

I opened my eyes, enjoying the calming effect of our first kiss. His eyes were a deeper blue than before. He was watching me; what was he looking for?

“Hmmm,” he breathed against me, “do you know how much I've wanted to do that since the very first time I laid eyes on you?”

I was dumbfounded. I shook my head. He lifted an errant lock away from my face, and then brushed his thumb lightly against my lips, still moist from our luxurious kiss.

He pulled me in, and kissed my brow. My head rested against his chest again, listening to his steady heartbeat. His hand traveled up to my ponytail, twirling it around his fingers absently.

“Are we going to talk about it Tylar?” he asked softly.

“I don’t want to Trey,” I replied quietly. “But I will.”


“Go ahead,” Trey urged gently, “please tell me what these clothes mean to you.”

“Okay,” I began, shakily. “The other night, when you were in Atlanta, I'd been cleaning this cottage like crazy. It brought back some memories. Memories of when I was growing up in Radcliff—Radcliff, Kentucky, where I’m from?”

He nodded for me to continue.

“In our house, Saturday was special to my mom because that was the only night out of the whole week that she had her date. By that, I mean a date with her boyfriend.”

“And what was his name?” Trey asked.

“Well,” I answered, “I’m not really sure.”

Trey looked confused.

“It seems like maybe there were a few of them.” I paused, gathering my thoughts. “So anyway, my best friend was Laurie and her mom was Mona, my mom’s friend. On Friday nights, Laurie would spend the night with me, and then on Saturday nights, I'd spend the night at Laurie’s.”

“Okay,” Trey commented, “so how does this tie into the purple pajamas?”

“I’m getting to that. The dream involved a particular weekend at Laurie's house when we were both 13. Laurie had made up a story so that we could stay out later that night."

He nodded for me to continue.

“When we got to the video parlor Laurie told me that we were all going out in a car with some older boys and I refused. Laurie got pissed and they left without me. I walked home and let myself in. Mom and her boyfriend were upstairs. When I got ready for bed I put those plum silk pajamas on.”

Trey glanced at the shopping bag while I continued.
