Page 76 of Maybe Baby

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“That’s correct,” he answered.

I continued, “And conversely, you aren’t going to be with other girls, right?”

“Correct,” he answered.

“And at this time, neither of us expects a mutual long-term commitment, is that also accurate to say?”

“It is,” he responded.

“I’m fine with that, with just one minor addition.”

“And what would that be, Tylar?”

“I want an out clause,” I stated firmly.

He seemed a bit taken aback. “I’m not sure I follow you.”

I think I was possibly blowing his mind with this one, but I felt it was a legitimate concern. “Trey, if you should meet someone you have the urge to be sexual with, I want you to immediately advise me that you're opting out of our arrangement. I'll show you the same courtesy, agreed?”

I could tell he didn’t like my idea, but too bad. He'd already sucked the romance out of the moment; I might as well make sure my interest was protected too.

“Fine,” he said a bit irritated.

“Good.” I moved over to him, pressing my body to his.

Hmm, his erection is definitely gone.

He should’ve just gone with the flow and worked the details out later. I propped myself up on my elbow, resting my head on my hand. I felt the need to prove to Trey I wasn't some scared, fragile virgin. His little spiel just now, although meant to reassure me, had pissed me off. Trey had made it clear that I’m not the only damaged one. In time I'd figure out whom or what had left him so vulnerable. For now, I'd make good use of what I'd learned consciously or subconsciously from my whore of a mother.


Trey lay reclined on his back, with his right arm crooked behind his head. He'd been quiet in the moments after we'd made our arrangement. He was a complicated man, I understood that, and I felt good about making clear what I wanted in the agreement.

The lights in the room were dim and the soft classical music continued to play. I'd been lying on my stomach next to him and I slowly sat up, letting the covers slip off of me. I straddled him and smiled as his eyes admired my breasts. I leaned forward, placing both of my outstretched arms on either side of him. He stared at me with an expression that bordered lust and anger. I wasn’t sure what I’d done to spark his anger, but I took full credit for his lust.

I lowered my face and kissed him, his eyelids, the tip of his gorgeous nose, and his chin. He put his free hand on the back of my head, pulling me to his lips. My breasts brushed against his chest, my nipples taut and erect. Our tongues met insistently, dancing and exploring each other with a feverish pitch. His erection sprang to life again, and it was impressive. With both of his hands now on my hips, he lifted me in a rocking motion that caused my sex to grind against his abdomen. I felt wet and tingly down there, as my hips started undulating on their own against his warm flesh.

“Oh, God you're so sweet, Tylar,” he breathed between kisses. “You're my angel,” he whispered. He moved me up a bit higher, positioning me so that he had full access to my breasts with his mouth. His warm tongue traced around the nipple leisurely, gently teasing it while his eyes locked with mine. He then moved to the other, giving it the same attention with his lips and tongue. I caught my breath with the sensation.

This beautiful man was making me feel pleasure I'd never thought possible. I moaned softly and he was pleased, continuing the same suckling on my other breast. His erection was rubbing against the outside of my sex, wanting to find a way in. I was so wet down there; I knew my body would respond to everything he did.

He lifted me off of him and placed me on my back beside him. He rolled over and straddled me with his muscular thighs. He lifted my buttocks with his hands, pulling my hips up to his face. He kissed my stomach and hips, moving downward slowly, tracing the line from my bellybutton to my sex with his tongue. His fingers gently plied the folds of my sex, parting them slightly so that his tongue could trace each delicate fold as if it were a petal of an exotic flower.

His hot tongue found my clitoris and ever so gently continued flicking it softly, rhythmically. He continued this in a fluid rhythm, while still fingering the outer folds of my pussy with a very gentle pressure, distributing it in different places as his tongue danced expertly around my clitoris.

Something unfamiliar to me was building up in the core between my legs. It was numbing, then pleasurable, building up to an explosive need for release. I could hear my breathing getting faster and shallower, wetness was dripping from my sex, but Trey didn’t mind, he continued working it with his mouth and tongue as if he was sucking nectar from some magical flower.

Trey could feel my body start to tremble with the desire for release, but I was afraid to because I wasn’t sure what would happen. Soft moans came from me, so primal and new to me.

“That’s it, baby,” Trey said gently, “that’s how it’s supposed to feel, just let it go, Tylar, just come for me, okay?”

He continued with his methodical and magical lovemaking with his mouth. Finally I could hold on no longer, I let myself come apart with pleasure. The final release shook my body until I thought I would shatter. I was moaning and crying with pleasure, my hands fisting in Trey’s thick hair. My hips were rotating in sync with his mouth and tongue.

“You taste so good, Tylar,” he whispered, “that’s it, keep coming for me, you taste so good.” My body gave one final shudder and then it was if my legs had turned to jelly. Trey released me gently back to the bed, and then put his mouth on mine, letting me taste the salty sweetness of my sex. I moaned and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him tightly to me. He gazed at me, seeing my flushed face, my hair still damp. I wanted more. I wanted him inside of me.

Sitting up, I playfully pushed him back onto the bed. I knelt beside him and held his long, thick cock, positioning it so that I could run my tongue down its full length. I cupped his balls gently and let my tongue circle the tip, then move down the shaft, swirling around the entire base. He had one arm crooked behind his head; the other held my hair aside so he could watch. I held his gaze and continued licking his shaft, and then sheathed my teeth as I took his length fully into my mouth, sucking it from tip to base. He grew even larger in my mouth.

“Oh Tylar, that’s right, keep it up,” he moaned.
