Page 91 of Maybe Baby

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I was remembering the look on Mark’s face and it started me in another fit of laughter. He joined in.

“That was a bit scary, I admit.”

“But you handled it very well, Mark. Pointing to me and saying, ‘she did it.’ Glad you had my back.”

By this time, we were both laughing hysterically. The waitress came over to see if we wanted another round. We’d both had enough and knew it. Mark paid the tab. I told him next time it would be my treat. I kind of liked this place. We headed back to the manor. I was thankful it was fairly close, as Mark was feeling no pain. He parked his truck next to the stables.

“I'm walking you up to your cottage, Tylar.”

“That’s not necessary, really.”

“No I won’t hear of it. I'll see that you're safely inside.”

We walked up the path toward the cottages. Ray’s place was dark since he'd moved in with Denise. Charlie’s had lights on inside; I could see his television on. As we passed Jenna’s, I noted that her Friday night lingerie had been taken in. Her lights were on and I thought I saw her peeping out of the side window as we passed.

“Here we are,” I said, getting my keys out of my purse.

I unlocked the door and turned to say good night to Mark but he was right there in front of me, just inches away. Before I knew what to think, he pulled me toward him, gently lifting my chin so that our lips met. His kiss was soft and warm, his lips moved against my mouth earnestly, trying to draw me into a deeper and more passionate kiss. I finally put my hands against his chest, gently pushing back from him.

“Mark, I’m sorry. I can’t, I can’t...”

“Don’t worry about it, Tylar. I’m the one that's sorry. I shouldn’t have pressed you for a kiss like that. Forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive,” I answered, “I had a wonderful time with you tonight, Mark. I really would like to do it again, okay? But for now, we need to stay friends. I’m not equipped for anything more at the moment.”

“I understand,” he replied, kindly. “You get inside and I want to hear that door lock behind you, got it?”

“Good night, Mark.”

“Good night, Tylar.”


I was never so eager for Monday to roll around. The weekend just seemed to drag and as busy as I tried to keep myself, there was only so much cleaning I could do in my small cottage. I'd only taken my car out once, to get some groceries.

Monday morning began fairly overcast, and the weather report indicated that a line of heavy storms was moving in later in the day. I wanted to get some training in; it was therapeutic for me. I knew that I'd feel a little weird around Mark after our botched kiss on Friday night, but I had no choice but to get past it.

I went to the stables, tacked up Derringer, and then led him to the arena. I saw Jenna as I was walking Derringer up to the entrance gate. She had a sourer look on her face than usual. I generally tried to ignore Jenna, but this morning, she was on a mission.

“Well, if it isn’t the Slut of Sinclair Manor,” she hissed. I looked around to be sure that she'd actually been addressing me.

“What’s your problem now, Jenna?”

“Is there no one you won’t fuck to get ahead?”

“I think you're confusing me with you,” I retorted.

“You bitch,” she sneered. “You knew damn well that I've been seeing Mark. As soon as your main fuck leaves town, you hit on mine!”

By this time, passers-by were turning their heads to observe the woman dressed in 1845 period clothing, hair tightly pulled up in a bun, prim and proper, cussing at me in language that'd make a drunken sailor blush. Mark had heard the exchange from where he stood inside the arena. He quickly stepped outside, opening the gate so that I could enter with Derringer.

“Mark,” I said, “I think Jenna wants to talk to you.”

I continued inside, leaving Mark to deal with the drama. I'd nothing to explain to Jenna. He was back in a few minutes, shaking his head, disgusted.

“Tylar, I'm really sorry for her outburst out there. I explained to her once again that she and I are not in a relationship. She's hell bent on thinking that you came between us.”

“Did you lead her on in any way, Mark?” I didn’t want to delve into his personal stuff, but I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Jenna’s wrath without knowing why she felt so strongly about Mark.
