Page 47 of Her Cocky Cowboys

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I liked all of it—needed all of it. And even though I kept trying to tell myself it was just a fling, I still didn’t want it to end.

Becca and Daisy Lynn were waiting for me when I got back to the house. I’d barely made it inside my bedroom before they were both knocking on my door.

“Oh, wow,” Becca said, looking me up and down with wide eyes as I ushered them into my room. “You’re looking kind of… rough. I thought you went to get your hair done.”

I snorted. Becca never had been one to beat around the bush. She was loyal to a fault, and she didn’t believe in dressing up the truth with fake niceties. Those were qualities I usually liked about her, but maybe not so much at the moment.

“Thanks,” I said, gesturing for both of them to have a seat as I flopped down onto my bed. “I did get my hair done earlier, but… I guess it got messed up again.”

Becca set down at my desk with a confused look as she turned her chair to face me. Daisy Lynn had been lowering herself onto a beanbag chair in the corner when she stopped midway, hovering as she looked at me with her eyes wide and her mouth open.

“Oh… my… Lordy,” she said, sinking the rest of the way down onto the uncomfortable relic from my tween years. “You’re glowing. And your hair is messed up. And you look… you look like you’ve just had some amazing sex.”

I nearly rolled off the bed as I struggled to sit upright. “No, I don’t!” I tried to run a hand back through my tangled hair, then nibbled at my lip. “Do I?”

“You were out having sex?” Becca asked, sounding even more shocked than Daisy Lynn had been. “Just now? Here?”

I shrugged. “Not here. Well… sort of. Out in the stream on the other side of the pasture.”

“You were outside?” Becca gasped like she’d never heard of people having sex anywhere but in bed with the lights off.

“Which one was it?” Daisy Lynn asked. “I’m betting Cade.”

Becca nodded. “I can totally see that. But then… I’ve seen the way you look at Boone, too.”

I wasn’t sure what to say. Should I tell them the truth? They sort of knew already, so it shouldn’t be a big deal… right? They knew I’d spent the night out at the bunkhouse, at least. Surely, they didn’t think we’d been out there playing charades all night.


To hell with it.

“I was with both of them,” I said, feeling a little giddy as the words tumbled out. “And it was amazing, so that’s probably why I look like this. They’re both… I don’t even have words.”

Daisy Lynn was grinning from ear to ear, but Becca’s eyes were seriously at risk of falling out of her head if they got any wider.

“Wow,” Becca whispered. “Both? At the same time?”

I shrugged. “I like both of them, and they like to share. I think it’s perfect.”

“And what do they think?” Daisy Lynn asked. “Is it something serious? How does that even work?”

I sighed. That was the complicated part. Not the part about how it would work—it would work perfectly; I already knew that for sure. They weren’t jealous of each other, and I liked them both equally but in different ways and for different reasons. There was absolutely no competition—except maybe when it came to seeing which one of them could make me come faster.

“It would work just fine,” I said. “Except… I guess it’s just a fling for now.”

“You guess?” Becca asked, her brow furrowing. “For now? Have the three of you actually talked about it yet?”

I thought back to the night before in the bunkhouse. Everything was sort of a blur, but I could still remember exactly what they’d said.

“They just want a fling,” I sighed. “That’s what they told me. And that’s… fine. Right? It’s fine.”

“Is it?” Daisy Lynn asked. “It’s perfectly fine if that’s what all three of you want, but it seems like you’re not fine with it.”

I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes. I didn’t even know why I was getting so emotional about it. It was fine. Really, it was. Trying to have everything I wanted all at once really would have been selfish. I should just be appreciative of the time I was getting to spend with them.

“I don’t know,” I said, finally. “Of course I want more, but it’s not like I can force them to want the same thing. And I don’t even want to bring it up because everything is so good between us right now. What if I ask for too much and they decide it’s not worth it?”

That was my biggest fear, but I hadn’t realized it until I’d said it out loud. Now that I had them—even if it was only a fling—I was scared to death that I’d do something wrong and lose it all.
