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Thank you for reaching my story, the Truth or Dare duet!

I hope you enjoyed spending time with Kenzi, Donovan, and Jason as much as I did…

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And now, keep reading for a bonus novella featuring Jason and Donovan and their misadventures as roommates before Kenzi came back into the picture…



Two Truths & A Lie: Summer, 2018

Bonus Novella



The sensation of keys hitting my chest wakes me from a dead sleep.

The waking up part is always disorienting—it’s been weeks since I’ve slept in a bed I recognize, and every time I wake up, I have to go through my reorientation checklist:

You are at Lighthouse Medical Center.

You are in one of the overnight cots.

Your shift is starting soon.

The cots aren’t uncomfortable, exactly—a couple of bunk beds smashed together army-style in the rec room. But I’m taller than your average man—6”6 to be exact—and my heels always hang awkwardly over the edge of the bed if I try to spread out, so I have to sleep curled into myself, half-fetal.

I’m not alone when I wake up. Donovan stands over me. His hair is somewhere between dark blonde and chestnut brown, immaculate, with light dusting of facial hair trimmed to accentuate his jaw line. He’s an internist—one of the best at the medical center—and wears his white coat with pride, not a stain on it.

The most “gay” thing about Donovan (who is, in fact, homosexual) is that he never has a strand of hair out of place. As a perfectionist, I can respect that.

“What’s this?” I ask, sitting up and dangling the pair of keys attached to a ring.

“Keys,” Donovan states the obvious. “To my place.”


“Stop acting homeless and accept the help. This is a hospital. Not a hotel.”

I cup the keys in the palm of my hand. It seems fake.

Donovan and I are a lot of things, but we’re not friends. We’ve known each other since we were kids. For a while there, sure. We were close. But then we became teenagers, and I rose up in the world, while he became a punk loner and, frankly, an easy target.

For a couple summers, I made his life hell. We’ve grown up since, both of us graduated medical school and accepted positions at Lighthouse Medical. But he’s always been hard on me—and I can’t blame him.

I wouldn’t like me either.

So why the mercy now?

I roll the keys in my palm. “Nadine and I, we’re just going through a rough patch…”

“I’m not your therapist,” Donovan interrupts. “We’re not bosom buddies. I don’t need the cliff notes. I’m giving you a bed and a shower. Take it or don’t.”

I consider my options. I hold up the keys. “I’ll take you up on this. Thank you.”
