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Esme stopped to catch up with her friend Lily Perry, who worked at the café in GreatStore and had helped Esme choose some items for Chase’s nursery.

Lily cooed over both babies and commented on how refreshed Esme looked as the mother of two infants. It was easy to give credit to Ryder. He was a good dad, though he didn’t seem to believe that about himself.

Halfway through Esme’s recitation of Ryder’s best qualities, Lily grabbed her hand. “You like this guy!” the slender brunette with the adorable freckles dotted across her nose exclaimed.

“I hope so.” Esme gave what she prayed was a lighthearted laugh. “We’re raising two kids together.”

“That’s not what I mean. You really like him, the way a woman likes a man.”

“That would be foolish of me,” Esme said, which wasn’t exactly a denial. “Ryder doesn’t see me that way. Besides, the boys are my priority, and I won’t do anything to jeopardize the arrangement we’ve made.”

“Foolish or not...”

“Don’t say anything,” Esme begged. “Not to anyone. It’s so silly. I blame hormones.”

Lily squeezed her fingers. “Hormones can be blamed for a lot of things, but it’s not silly. The two of you are spending almost all your time together. He sounds great, and you’re amazing. Why wouldn’t it work?”

“I’m not his type,” Esme whispered, hating how the words felt like sandpaper on her tongue. “I doubt you could understand falling for someone who doesn’t see you like that but—”

“Don’t be too sure,” Lily interrupted and gave Esme a quick hug. “But the man you describe doesn’t sound like a fool, and he’d be one if he weren’t already half in love with you.”

Esme rolled her eyes. “I wish, or maybe I don’t. I’ve tried love before, and I prefer the kind I read about in romance novels. Less heartache that way.”

Lily grinned. “Book boyfriends are usually better, but I’d still give Ryder a chance.”

If only Esme could believe he wanted one. As much as she appreciated Lily’s confidence that Ryder wouldn’t be able to help falling in love with her, she didn’t hold that same faith. That made it even more imperative to guard her heart.

Esme had just gotten both boys fastened into their car seat bases when Ryder texted to ask if she would bring the babies to meet him at the park that bordered Lake Chatelaine near the LC Club.

Her heart fluttered in response. Maybe it was the fact that she’d admitted her feelings for him out loud to Lily—hinted at them, at least—but there was no more denying to herself that she was definitely at risk of being hurt by Ryder Hayes. She tried to tell herself that it was new enough to be only a simple crush. Hormones would be an easy answer, but she suspected it was more than that.

He was attractive and being near him did wild things to her body, yet she enjoyed his company on a much deeper level than physical attraction. Despite how different their backgrounds were, they shared a connection beyond raising kids together.

“No”, she said aloud, shaking her head. This was nothing more than a combination of circumstances, his kindness and the gratitude she felt at not being alone any longer.

She thumbed in a reply, agreeing to meet him and offering to pick up carryout from one of the restaurants in town, but he said no, it wasn’t necessary. She’d skipped breakfast other than the coffee she’d shared with Freya and Wendell and wanted to believe that the caffeine rush was what made her so tingly as she drove toward the park.

Maybe if she could get the physical need for Ryder out of her system, it would be easier to focus solely on their co-parenting arrangement. That notion of exploring something more with the handsome businessman appealed to her body, although her heart was still skeptical.

Sunshine sparkled off the surface of the lake, and she pulled in next to Ryder’s BMW. There was only one other vehicle parked in the lot, although she knew the popular spot would be crowded if the unseasonably warm weather continued through the weekend.

This was her home now, and she felt grateful to be raising her boys in a community that already meant so much to her.

He is your home, a little voice inside her declared as Ryder walked toward her from the edge of the parking lot.

Hayes Enterprises adhered to a casual Friday dress code, so he wore a fine wool sweater in a deep rust color along with dark jeans and Western boots. As per usual, when he smiled, it took her breath away. Esme had a feeling if she polled the women in his office, she’d discover that she wasn’t alone in her reaction.

The thought actually made her feel better about her crush, as she was determined to refer to it. Ryder’s movie-star features and thick blond hair were universally appealing, so there was no reason to read more into it than necessary.

“How was shopping?” he asked.

“Freya outdid herself once again.” Esme put a hand on the car’s back door to open it but was suddenly enveloped in a tight embrace.

“Thank you,” Ryder said, kissing the top of her head.

She glanced up, confused by the force of his tone. “For meeting you here?”

He bent down and gently kissed her lips. The touch was fleeting, but it ignited tiny fires of need all through her body. “For encouraging me to go back to work. I didn’t realize how much I missed having a sense of purpose until I returned to the office.” He kissed her again. “But you knew, Esme. You knew I needed it, and I can’t thank you enough.”
