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Heat clawed its way up Ryder’s neck. He wasn’t confident he deserved his father’s praise and wasn’t used to receiving it.

“You might think I’m built for a serious relationship, but I can’t find anyone willing to commit. I should have learned my lesson when Steph crushed my heart.”

“Did she truly crush it all that badly? From the bit I saw, the two of you had been tumultuous from the start, and weren’t you on a break when she found out she was pregnant?”

Ryder inclined his head. “Yes, but everything changed when she got pregnant. No offense, Dad, but I saw what a loveless marriage looks like for too many years. I decided I was going to love her, and I did. It wasn’t enough.”

“Son, I’ve made more than my fair share of mistakes with women over the years, but even I know you can’t make yourself love somebody if the feelings aren’t there.”

Ryder started to bite off a peevish retort, then stopped and thought about his father’s words. Had he been in love with Stephanie, or had he been in love with the idea of having a family of his own, one that he could show the care and feeling that his parents had never given to their marriage? He’d been absolutely gutted when she died in the accident, but most of that sadness came from her life being cut short and for his son, who would never know his mother.

“Besides, if you are so dead-set against a loveless marriage,” his father continued, “then explain to me again why you proposed to Esme. It seemed like the two of you were rubbing along fine without the shackles of a wedding ceremony.” Chandler gave a mock shudder. “I don’t think you could pay me enough to walk down the aisle again, not that anyone would have me. Anyone worth marrying.”

“I didn’t want to lose her,” Ryder admitted. “Something about walking away from her and Chase when only one parent was allowed to stay overnight at the hospital got to me. I had an overwhelming desire to bind myself to her.”

He paused, then added, “But it wasn’t done out of love. After Stephanie, I vowed not to let myself love again. I proposed to Esme because I want to build a life together.”

“I think you love her,” his father said. “And it scares the hell out of you. Which is a trait, unfortunately, that you inherited from me.”

“You know, she said something similar. Not about me being afraid but the fact that she thinks I love her and won’t admit it. It’s ridiculous, and too bad she wouldn’t talk about it with you. The two of you could have had quite a laugh at my expense. You tell me I don’t love the woman I thought I loved, but I do love the woman I can’t allow myself to love.”

His father looked pained. “I wouldn’t laugh at this situation. I hate that you’re hurting and confused. I’m not used to it, Ryder. You always know exactly what to say and do. You’re the man with the plan, and we’ve come to rely on you for that.”

“It would appear that either Esme didn’t get the memo or that she’s unimpressed by my plan.”

He lifted the mug to his mouth again, then turned and dumped the coffee into the sink. More caffeine was the last thing he needed. He was already too wired. “It’ll work out, Dad. Don’t worry about me. I’ve got my priorities straight.”

“I know you do.” His father drew one finger along the edge of the counter as if contemplating something serious. “Speaking of priorities, the situation with Esme is not the only reason I’m here.”

This was the moment Ryder had been both waiting for and dreading. Chandler had promised to announce his successor at Hayes Enterprises by the end of the month. Despite the weeks Ryder had taken off recently and the fact that he couldn’t put in the hours his brother did because being a father came first, he knew he contributed to the company. But he wasn’t confident that would be enough to win the CEO position.

“You’ve made your decision,” he said.

Chandler nodded with a smile playing around the corners of his mouth that looked almost smug, which felt unnecessary.

“It’s fine, Dad.” Ryder rubbed a hand along the back of his neck. “Rip the Band-Aid off. My week can’t get any worse.”

“Interesting attitude.” Chandler’s smile widened slightly. “Can it get better?”

It felt like time stood still for an instant.

“Definitely,” Ryder answered.

“You and your brother bring different qualities to the table. Your leadership and vision can’t be denied, and the staff has complete faith in you.”

That sounded promising.

“Your brother, on the other hand, is a gifted negotiator and has the magic touch with our investors. He thrives on travel and meeting new people, so he can function at any of our properties like he’s been part of a team for years.”

Why did Ryder feel like he was on a dating show he hadn’t signed up for, waiting with bated breath to see if he’d be given the final rose?

“Who will make a better CEO?” He didn’t bother to clarify that his father was simply making this decision based on his own opinion—because his was the only perspective that mattered.

“I’d like to appoint you as co-CEOs.” Chandler held his hands like a maestro directing a symphony orchestra.

Ryder blinked. “You want Brandon and me to work together?” He cleared his throat. “Doing the same job?”

“That’s the idea behind naming both of you to a CEO role.”
