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“Your fault! Oh no, my sweet child, they did it.” She wags her finger at my mates as she drags me to a lounger and forces me to sit. “They have always been so stiff and boring. I am surprised to see you stick around and not run away from them.” Both Tet and Tan have scowls on their faces.

My heart, our mother can be a bit bothersome, Tan says, then Tet agreed, Tell us if you need us to send her home

“Let me guess. They are telling you that I am overbearing and inappropriate?” I giggle-snorted at her correct statement.

“They do have sticks up their asses and that is why I haven’t let them claim me.” She gasps with a merry twinkle in her eyes. My mates were horrified as I continue. “I haven’t decided if I can put up with all their rules and regulations for the rest of my life and it would be a very long life if they are to be believed.”

“Oh, I love that! Yes, they do have ‘sticks up their asses’, just like their fathers.” She laughs at the shocked looks on their faces. “I almost didn’t mate with Fade and Fen, because of that very same issue! But when they weren’t being overbearing arnackles, they were lovely, kind and made me feel sooo good, with wiggling eyebrows, “so, so good.”

“Mother!” Both males yelled out. She just waved their outrage away.

“And that is why I haven’t run screaming from them.” I wink back. “So good.”

Remember you are talking to our mother, my heart, Tan sounded positively scandalized and that is a trick with telepathy.

“I am sorry, Lady Bl’Wski, if I overstepped my boundaries.” I looked contrite.

“First off, to you I am Tayana.” She smiles at me. “Secondly, I am very well aware what goes on between males and females, so don’t mind the rambling thoughts of my younglings. I mean, they and their siblings wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for lots of good mating.” She started laughing at the sheer disgust on her sons’ faces. I guess it doesn’t matter where in the Universe you are, children never want to acknowledge that their parents have sex, not the least have it confirmed by their mothers affirming the joy of it.

Our mother goes too far, Tet says with a feeling of indignation.

Oh no, she may be the only reason I decide to let you claim me, I think back cheekily. So, you best be nice to her.

We love our mother, but I worry that she will be a bad influence on you, Tan replies testily.

Maybe she hopes I will be a good influence on you, I give them the side eye.

“My sons, I think you should talk to your fathers.” Tayana states with a look that brooked no nonsense from the big males. She has a big smile on her face as she turns to me. “You, my dear, are exactly what these two need. I don’t want them to screw this up because they can’t remember what it means to have a little fun in life. I tried to remind them of this when they were young, but their fathers were always about rules and duty. If you decide to take them on, know that I will back you up.”

She turned to my mates. “You will talk to your fathers when they arrive tomorrow evening. I think it will surprise you to learn a few things, and I know, it will stick better coming from them.” She rose from her seat and stepped toward the door. “I am going to head to my quarters and take a nap. I will return this evening to take my new daughter out for some fun! I can’t imagine that you two have thought to take her to explore the joys of this station, have you?”

“It is not safe to take a human out into the space station until she is mated,” Tet tries to weasel his way out of his mother’s condemnation.

“Well then, YOU can escort us, but I am taking her out to see something other than you two.” With that Tayana plants a kiss on each of their cheeks and is out the door and gone.

“I really like your mother,” I say with a smirk.

She is chaotic, but our fathers adore their mate, Tan is reflective.

She is amazing and I adore her already. I tell them. Tet gets a smile on his face.

I think our mate is a lot like our mother, Tan muses. I start laughing at that thought.

Human males often marry women like their moms, I muse. Maybe, Akkadianans do, too. Then I give them a look as I turn and sashay to the bedroom. I am taking a nap. I suspect your mother will run us ragged tonight. I call back and next thing I know, they are joining me. I guess I won’t be getting much of a nap after all.

Chapter Twenty–Three


“Kelsey, remember, there is nothing more fun than spending my mates’ money, unless it is spending my sons’ money! They are all so tight until I am the one to go shopping!” My mother laughs merrily as she and Kelsey walk before us. I had suspected that going out with my mother was a dangerous occupation and I was right, but not because of the dangers on the Council Station. No, my mother brings chaos wherever she goes, and today that chaos appears to be with Tan and my credits. We follow her and our mate as they trot through the Council Station’s Shopping District. The pile of purchases are sent to our quarters thankfully. Though, maybe, if we are carrying them, my mother or our mate would take pity on us and end this excursion.

“Mother, we don’t need to buy a bunch of useless things. The military provides us with all our needs.” I try to use logic.

You know that isn’t going to work. Tan looks at me.

“Tan, you know I can feel yours and your brother’s frustration, but it will do you no good. I know that this sweet human needs a lot more from you than just basics if you plan on mating her,” Mother admonishes both of us. Then giggles. “I need more daughters and I like Kelsey,” She squeezes our mate. Who turns a lovely shade of pink.

Honest guys, this is the most shopping I have ever done, your mother is a pro! Kelsey seems a bit ill at ease with all the credits we are spending.

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