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“Well, that is easy for an H’Atari to say,” The big bull dog looking Councilmember says. “They have a plethora of females to give their males sons. Most of our members are barely hanging on, with our populations dwindling as our females produce more males to females.”

“Well, my lord councilmember from Gurtania, can we help that our clutches are three to five eggs. Our fertility is legendary.” Wow, is she a bitch or what… and she lays eggs…ick.

The sweet little granny with the plumage on her head cuts in, “Now, now, let’s remain civilized as you claim we are, More’ll. I would like to talk to the humans that I see before us.”

“I have no objections.” The Senior Council approves, “D’Artimus bring your mate and the other humans up here.” Before I finish jumping out of my seat to head forward, my mates are there, guiding me forward. Michelle is being escorted by a huge purple male who is looking downright annoyed to be here, but like my guys, he doesn’t let her go far without him. As we get to the space in front of the long dias, the males all give a salute with their hands to their chests and their heads bowing.

Then the sweet little old lady starts.“My, my. There are a lot of you here today and look…a youngling. What is your name, little one?”

“I am Jaycee and I am four yearth old. Would you like to see my looth tooth?” Maryellen’s cute little girl, Jaycee, steps forward, but her mother keeps her from going to far.

“I would love to see your loose tooth, my lady Jaycee,” then the councilmember does an aside to her, “But I think we should wait until this very boring meeting is over.”

“OK, nice lady, after dis boring meeting. But it isn’t that boring because the people are so cool, with all their beautiful colors and you have feathers!” The councilmember is charmed by the human child.

Of course, Bugface McBitchyface cuts into the amusing interaction.“Why are we being bothered with this youngling? In a Council meeting of all places.”

“Because it is her planet and the home of millions like her that you are discussing, Councilmember Tri’Acrera?,” Maryellen goes all momma bear. “She has just as much right as any of us.”

“None of you primitives have a right to be here,” the bitch counters. “It is just the Senior Council bowing to his cousin and, I think,” Pointing to Yaretzi. “His mate! This is not appropriate at all. Highly irregular. None of you females are members of the Galactic Federation and it is an abomination that, at least, two of you look to be bearing young off these males! Disgusting!”

Oooo, nose holes flaring…I don’t think she likes humans, I think.

H’Atari don’t like anyone that isn’t under their power, Tet tells me.

Or they owe money too. Tan smirks while I lower my head and eyes to hide my amusement.

“Councilmember, your distaste is not shared by many on this council,” a large purple councilmember states. “Please refrain from such outbursts as they reflect badly on this august body. Commander O’Jectic, I see you have escorted a human here.” Michelle’s big purple guy grumpily pulls her closer to him.

“Yes, my lord,” He growls.

“Is she your mate?” Michelle seems shocked by the question.

“Oh, haillll no!” she states in that Southern drawl. “This asshole is driving me up a wall and you think he wants to mate with me?”

“I have not claimed her as yet, my lord,” he growls again. The councilmember smirks as Michelle looks on with shock.

“Well, you best get her in line, Commander.” The big male states and several of us start to bristle when Rin’On chimes in.

“My lords and ladies, one does not just claim a human mate,” Rin’On addresses the Council and the audience. “Human mates are wonderful for those of us lucky enough to find her. However, they are a species that doesn’t feel their mates, like many of us do. They ahhh…” His wife…mate, whatever…takes pity on him and begins explaining about how human women fall in love.

She continues to expound on the ways of courting a human ending with a bit of a censure “…After the abduction and subsequent rescue, I have learned that I have a fated mate, who is devoted not only to me, but to my child…I mean youngling. He even rescued me from an attacker who wanted to steal my baby and sell her! Sell my child…a four year old youngling! What kind of Galactic Federation allows such scum to exist?”

“So, you call us scum now, you primitive?” Mr. Stinky McGreasy, the species that ran the slave ship we woke on, is on the Council.

“Only if you allow these abductions to continue!” Maryellen is taking no prisoners. “I am not asking you to initiate first contact. Just allow Galactic Federation ships to patrol the solar system as discreetly as possible and protect humans from those who would prey on my people. As you say, we are not big and strong…well, by your standards. I am a giant compared to most human females… We need that protection and if your esteemed colleague from …” Her mate gives her the planet name… H’Atar, sounds like you are hocking a loogie, “H’Atar is correct in saying we don’t belong here, then maybe, protecting our planet from these criminals will help to reduce the number of humans taken.”

“I hate to say this, my lady,” the council member that looks a lot like my mates begins to speak, “But there appears to be a need for human females. Looking at you and your mate, I see that Caeterins are compatible with humans and, as much as Hontor wants to deny it, it looks like you humans are compatible with them,” He looks right at me. “What about you, female. I see two of our finest warriors stand with you?”

“I haven’t let them claim me yet,” I state.

“Why not?” The male stares at me in wonder, then he looks at the male standing in the back. Another set of twins.

“I just started dating them a few weeks ago. I want to make sure this truly is for life.” I just don’t know what to say, but I continue, “Besides… Oh, I don’t know. I have never felt like this and it is scary.”

We are here for you, my heart, Tet tells me as he and Tan move closer. I feel protected, but I continue. “Also, you do realize that girls on my planet get called all kinds of nasty names for having two mates?” this startles the council member and his twin, “Just because it is normal for your culture, doesn’t make it normal for mine.”

“As you can see, Councilmembers.” The pregnant woman, Elizabeth, starts, her voice loud and clear, “Humans are complex creatures, and we don’t get hints from the Universe that we are with the right person…being…whatever.” She attempts to wrap her arms around her big male, but her belly gets in the way. “You are correct in thinking that your fertility problems might be solved by the introduction of human females, but you will need to tackle that another way. I am a fated mate, and I am blooming with a Hontoran/human baby. Boy…am I blooming.” Gesturing to her distended stomach, “and we know that Rin’On and Maryellen are fated mates who are having a baby in the next solar.”
