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Again, why didn’t the Universe choose this female for us? He replies.

Are you really attracted to her? I know the answer to this, but I need him to see this.

She is beautiful and wise but no, Kelsey is what my body wants… His eyes traverse the curves of our mate.

“That is correct.” I nod, “The Council for the Galactic Federation has said we must keep you as comfortable as possible, but in the interest of keeping you safe from the criminal elements that have brazenly entered Federation space to kidnap the few humans there are from our space stations and colonies, you need to stay aboard The Patience.”

“You can see our position, can’t you,” She says in a pleasant voice, that bely the turmoil I feel from her. “Except for my little girl, all of us humans are women, adults on our world.” That is a relief, brother! Our mate may be immature, but she is an adult. Tan reflects our mutual relief “We are not used to being pinned up. We need things…personal things, that I doubt a ship crewed solely by military males is going to have…”

“I bet you don’t even carry tampons or pads for when Aunt Flo comes a-callin’, do you Captain.” Kelsey says from behind Maryellen.

What is she talking about?

I have no idea. Who is this Aunt Flo?

Maryellen grabs her hand and squeezes it in a maneuver to quiet her while quickly saying, and appears to calm her. “There is, also, the matter of I am a mother with a child that should have space to run and play. Also, she needs her education, what does your Galactic Council plan to do about that?”

My brother and I look at each other for a moment. She is making some good points.

How do we care for the humans when we can’t understand their needs? Tan replies.

We need to communicate and learn, that much I know. As I look back to the females.

“We will need to consult with the Council,” I begin, “Who is this Aunt Flo? If she is on Earth, there is nothing we can do for her.” All the females start chuckling.

What’s so funny?

I do not know.

“It’s our period…our menses…our cycle,” Kelsey says, “We bleeeeeddd from our uteruses for one week a month, unless we are pregnant.” My eyes widen. Tan is horrified.

We will need to keep our mate breeding, so we do not experience this. It sounds dangerous!

“Which I am not sure being in this part of the Universe would be good for childrearing.” She continues. Neither of us like that statement, “Who to teach these folks about human anatomy?”

“I guess I could,” Says the other dark skinned female.

Humans come in such a range of skin colors. Fascinating, isn’t it? I look at my brother as she continues.

“I was in my third year of residency at Portland’s OHSU. While I can only do so much, I could work with your doctors to get them familiar with human anatomy.” Another useful female. Very good.

“Our medics would appreciate that, I am sure, Female.” I am still a bit confused but this seems a good plan for now, “I will talk to our chief medic and see when he has a moment to meet with you.”

“Oh, Michelle, that would be great!” Maryellen exclaims, “You could still continue on your career path.”

“In a way,” She says, “I was hoping to transfer to a pediatric surgery rotation, if one opened up, but I guess it will be good to be a GP for those humans who need medical care.”

“Well, let’s discuss what skills we have, so Captain Bl’Wski and his first officer can find us gainful employment.” She gestures to the tables.

“Female, while I am pleased that some of you have skills that will prove useful,” I begin, “I worry that without mates, you will be targets.”

“Of all the misogynistic crap!” Kelsey exclaims, “We are adult women. We can take care of ourselves. I appreciate the rescue by Commander Max and his men, but the idea of sitting back and being the little woman so some entitled, drooling Neanderthal is just not in the cards. We need to have purpose beyond being housewives.”

“Silence, female!” Tan shouts. I am not the only one that is stunned by his outburst. stuns everyone by his outburst. Tan takes Kelsey by the back of her neck, holding in a firm, yet gentle grip, forcing her to look into his eyes, “You will all have mates, because when you are properly mated you will have no value to the slavers.”

“Commander? I think you are being a bit harsh.” Max’s female tries to calm the situation as several of the females had risen from the tables.

“She must learn her place on this ship and the Universe.” He grits out of his teeth. Kelsey looks confused then defiance crosses our mates face and radiates from her. Maryellen tries to remove Kelsey from Tan’s grip. His hand opens quickly, as if he was shocked that he was holding her.
