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“You are our mate and this is where you will stay until we say you can leave.” Tet is almost as firm as Tan in his declaration.

“Mate, schmate…I am not staying here with you two assholes!” I try to move past the pair, but neither is budging.

“Little female, you must accept us as your mates.” Tan is suddenly sounding like the reasonable one, after all that chest thumping of his. He gently explains, “If you let us claim you, you will be safe from the slavers. Mates cannot be separated ever.”

“Oh, is it illegal to separate mates?” I add a touch of sarcasm to my statement, “Like criminals worry about what is legal or illegal.”

“Criminals only do what serves them and a dead slave holds no profits.” He states.

“What the Hell? Are you saying if I am mated and they take me, I will die?” I can feel my eyes widening.

“If you are mated to us, we will have to be dead before they can take you,” Tet chimes in, “And unless you bear our younglings, you will not survive the tear in our connection. Even with younglings to care for, there is no guarantee that you wouldn’t waste away.”

“OK, this whole I will die when you die business isn’t a selling point, right? I mean I am only 21 and you both are what 35…40? I don’t want to die twenty to twenty-five years younger than my lifespan.” The males look at each other with a smirk then a guffaw.

“Wait, what’s so funny?” I ask.

Tan asks me a question: “What is the average lifespan of a human?”

“I guess, around eighty to eighty-five years.” I answer, “With the right genetics and lifestyle humans have been known to live over a hundred years or solar rotations…whatever you call them.”

“Hmmm.” Tet looks at Tan then back to me. “What if I told you that our species lives well over two hundred years on average? My brother and I have lived only seventy-two- point-one of your years.” I am amazed.

“OK, so when I die, you will be a hundred years too young by your standards. You can see why this isn’t a good set up, right?”

“Actually, upon claiming the exchange of lifeforce will lengthen your life to match ours.” Tet seems confident that I will see this whole claiming thing as a good thing. I am still not sure.

“What does this ‘exchange of lifeforce’ look like?” I query.

“We, my brother and I, will take you as our ancestors have.” He moves closer to me, until he is almost a breath away, towering over me. I lookup, up, up into his glowing eyes. I try to step back, but I am stopped, bumping into that hard chest of Tan. He had quietly moved behind me. I felt so small and dainty between the two massive chests. I gulp. I should really be intimidated, but all I want to do is touch those massive chests.

“A..and, um, how was that?” I want to be sure. No assumptions here…you just want him to talk dirty to you… Yeah …OK… ya got me there… Something about these two males really turns me on. I didn’t know I was into this. I never saw me as living a polyamorous lifestyle, but right now, I am really into the twins and I want both of them. Right now...

Chapter Six


When Tet stalked into the room, he was upset.

Why did you do that? Now, they think we are insane! They do not know that she is our mate. I stand there looking at our mate.

It doesn’t matter what they think, she is our mate and I needed to get her out of there. I needed to talk to her alone. I needed to be with just her, but Tet does not need to know that.

“Yo dudes! What are you saying to each other?” Kelsey calls out.

Our mate doesn’t like to be ignored. Tet looks at me, then back to her.

No, she doesn’t. I agree, my eyes move to her.

“I was just reminding my brother that his behavior was not appropriate.” Tet turns to Kelsey “And neither was yours!”

“I was merely sticking up for the women on your ship!” She stands up. “I am going back to my cabin! I don’t need to deal with either of you.” Tet and I block her quickly.

“You are our mate and this is where you will stay until we say you can leave.” Tet is almost as firm as I would be. We can feel her while we tower over her. She isn’t frightened by us. In fact, what we feel from her is making both of us uncomfortable, as we feel her attraction to us.

She cannot leave our cabin until she is claimed. I support Tet in this.

“Mate, schmate…I am not staying here with you two assholes!” We do not let her move.
