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“Liam,” she whispered. “You came for me.”

Phil gave her a wild look. “Who the fuck is Liam?”

She proudly squared up. “Liam is my mate—and he’s about to fuck you up.”

I charged Phil with Fred as Kylie circled him. Shots rang out as the man attempted to defend himself with the gun. Fear laced my heart as I snapped my jaws around his hand, feeling the gun go off beneath my teeth. Three more shots vibrated my snout as Phil cried out.

Fred snapped Phil’s ankle, making the man buckle to the ground as he kept trying to fire the gun. Several empty clicks told me his clip was empty. Kylie barked from the other side of him and then poked at the figure on the ground.

My eyes went wide.Anita!

It’s okay. I’ve got her, Kylie assured me through our mental connection.

I glanced at Fred who was wrestling Phil’s legs. We had to get this guy under control before he caused any more damage—or before he attracted attention to this part of the city. Humans weren’t exactly welcoming of wolves, shifters or otherwise. We had to do this quickly and knock him out.

As Phil tried to recover his gun, I bit harder, hearing his wrist crack under the pressure of my jaws. He cried out and kicked his right leg, nailing Fred in the snout. Fred whimpered as he skittered back. I planted my left paw on Phil’s chest, pressing hard enough to hear a crackle.

Phil hissed. “You…bitch…” He grabbed my throat, trying to dig his fingers through my thick fur. It wasn’t working very well for him. “What the fuck is happening?”

The gun clattered to the ground when he finally released it. He pushed against my jaws, trying to squeeze my throat at the same time. The man was relatively strong for a human, but not so much that he could overwhelm a trained wolf like me. From the right, I heard Fred bark, and Phil snapped his attention in that direction.

I slammed my paw into his chest again, causing him to wheeze. His grip on my throat loosened as he lost control of his left arm.Slam. His hand went right to the ground under my maw. I could smell blood, fear, anger. I could sense Anita and Kylie.

Fred walked around to Phil’s head and glared down at him.

Knock him out, I instructed.Try not to give him a concussion.

I won’t try too hard, Fred replied.

He swung his paw against Phil’s head, sending the guy into a slumped sleep upon impact. My jaw ached from holding his wrist in place. It felt good to release his body, to step away from the guy who’d almost taken my mate’s life.

My mate. I’d never thought of her in those terms before tonight. But the way she claimed me with such pride made my heart burst with affection. I trotted over to where she rested on her side, back turned to me. I nuzzled her cheek.

She winced. “W-what?”

Was she shot?I asked my sister.Did any of the bullets hit her?

Kylie sniffed Anita.No, she’s okay. And I think the baby is okay too.

Relief sacked my entire body, reminding me of my exhaustion. I nosed Anita again, brimming with adoration as her hand weakly rested on my snout. I closed my eyes and focused on her loving energy.

When she rolled to her back, she kissed the tip of my snout. “I’m so sorry I ran off without telling you.”

I whined as I licked her neck. I couldn’t talk to her in this form, but I could assure her that I wasn’t angry. Disappointed, yeah. But not angry. I could never be angry with her trying to put an end to this nightmare.

A car pulled up to the park, headlights washing over the scene.Fuck.

Kylie stood her ground in front of Anita while Fred grabbed Phil by the collar of his jacket. Out of the car came two figures, one of them with their hands raised up. I sniffed the air.

That’s Jermaine, I told the others.Relax. It’s okay.

I eyed the other figure with him, noticing a more feminine scent.

Jermaine jogged up to us. “Containment was a success. Regina did splendidly.”

I looked up at the voluptuous woman with ink-black skin covered in golden tattoos. She wore a purple peasant dress with a flowing green coat. Amethyst eyes studied the scene.

She nodded in greeting. “It wasn’t an easy spell, but I’ve done it so many times for other packs. No one in town will realize the gunfire came from this location. You’re safe.”
