Page 34 of Craving Morgan

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He worked two fingers inside of her, stroking in and out of her body at a lazy pace as he plucked her nipple.Jameson wanted to taste them.He wanted to change positions and be the one sitting with her facing him.She could ride his cock as he suckled her little berries.

His mouth salivated for a taste.He had tasted them in the bath last night, but it hadn’t been enough.

“Jameson,” Morgan husked as she cupped the back of his head, needing an anchor as he took her body closer and closer to an orgasm.

He dragged his fingers out of her sex to rub over her clit before sinking back into her.Morgan’s legs widened, and she planted her feet on the floor to help lift herself into his touch.Both arms banded behind his head, helping her lift and lower over his fingers.

Jameson added a third finger and curled, rubbing the secret spot most men could never find, as he twisted her nipple and bit down on the chord of her neck.

Morgan shuddered in his arms, her nails scoring into the back of his neck as her sex tried to suck his fingers further inside of her.

He released her nipple and stroked up her shoulder to her arm, his hand rubbing up and down with a feather-light touch.He’d made it back up to her shoulder when he noticed the large bruising on her left upper bicep.

He didn’t recall seeing it yesterday.Then again, he’d been a little distracted.First, getting Morgan in the bath and second, when they had made love.

His lips thinned, and his anger grew at the man who had attacked her and marred her flesh.Morgan must have sensed his mood change because she looked down at where he was glowering and covered it up.

“I’m going to find him, Morgan.I promise.”

“I know you will, but this isn’t from my attacker,” she mumbled out, probably hoping he would miss that detail, but he was a cop who paid attention to every detail.

“What?” he asked, rearing back.Someone else had harmed her.“Who?”

“It’s of no consequence.” She busied herself tucking her breast back into her top.She looked around for her hair tie, but he had tossed it away somewhere.

He didn’t like she was trying to put a shield back up between them.Jameson squatted down next to her right side.“It is to me.” He gentled his tone so he didn’t sound accusatory.“Will you tell me?” He hoped his gentler tone would help coax her into revealing who had hurt her.

Morgan sighed and looked away.If she thought the silent treatment was going to work, she didn’t know him very well.It would only make him more determined to get answers.“It was a client.He got a little handsy.”

Jameson felt his ire rise again, but he held back the burning questions on his tongue and the demand she stay away from him.Morgan was smart and no doubt had already come to that conclusion.She was also always very vocal and could take care of herself.

If he started making demands for answers and telling her he would be more diligent in watching her, it would only push her away.Obviously, she’d already handled the situation.

“I handled the situation, so there’s no reason to go all Tarzan,” she remarked as if she’d read his thoughts.

“Tarzan, huh?” He couldn’t help but smirk.“Does that make you Jane?” He wagged his eyebrows before leaning forward to kiss her.Morgan met him in the middle.“What do you say we get lost in the jungle?”

Morgan turned in her chair to face him better.Her eyes widened, just now noticing he was completely naked.“If my neighbors saw you, they’d have a heart attack.”

“Why, because I’m naked?” It was just a body, no different than anyone else’s.Maybe a little more defined than some others.He didn’t have a six-pack, but he was toned.Nothing to cause a heart attack he didn’t think.

“And perfection.” She sighed dreamily.

“Perfection, huh?That’s a little extreme.” He would hardly call himself perfect nor did he want to be.

“Perfection to me.”

Her opinion was the only one that mattered.“Should I go knock on Mrs.Donovan’s door and ask to borrow some sugar?”

“You’d kill the poor woman.” She swatted him on the chest before wrapping her arms around the back of his neck.Her short nails scraped along his skull.

“I don’t hear you complaining.”


Jameson slipped an arm under her legs and carried her back to the bed.Morgan didn’t protest.She leaned forward and started nibbling on his left ear.Jameson felt his eyes roll into the back of his head, and he stumbled for a second.Morgan’s laughter rang in his ears.

“You’re going to pay for that.”
