Page 50 of Craving Morgan

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“Morgan, I’m so sorry for keeping the case details away from you.I know I said it was for your safety, and in a small way it was, but the truth was, I kept it from you to protect myself.I didn’t want the case coming between us.I didn’t want you to accept me being around just because someone was after you.I wanted you to want me to be around because you missed me as much as I’ve missed you.I’ve been a shell of a man since you left me.While I was mad you left without a word, I can’t blame you.I treated you unfairly.Taking advantage of your silence as acceptance.I became so focused on making a name for myself.Wanting to prove myself.” He chuckled without humor.“And you know what?”

“What?” she mumbled, not meeting his eyes.She played with her keys instead.He knew she was doing it to keep a shield between them, but he was ready to tear through it with his confession.

Jameson took a step closer to her, breathing in the fruity scent from her shampoo.“It means nothing to me now.”

Morgan looked up at him, appearing taken aback by his confession.“What?How can you say that?You’ve dedicated hours to the force.How many people are safe and alive because of your dedication?You love what you do, Jameson.I don’t believe it means nothing to you.” She shook her head, not believing what he was saying.

“It does mean something, but what’s the point of having all my records without anyone to share it with?I come home to an empty apartment and sleep alone in my bed and do it all over again the next day.Success pales in comparison to having someone to love and cherish the rest of my life.” He lifted one of her hands and placed it over his heart.A heart that beat only for her.“I choose you, Morgan.I choose us if you’ll forgive me and give me another chance.I’ll never hide anything from you again that concerns you and your safety.” He couldn’t tell her about all of his cases, but if something concerned her, he’d never keep it from her again.

He waited for Morgan to say something.Anything.But she just stood there staring at her hand on his chest while her other hand fiddled with her apartment key.He wasn’t even sure if she was listening.

Perhaps he had messed up more than he’d thought, and Morgan couldn’t forgive him and give him a third chance.It had been too much to hope for.Jameson removed his hand from hers, committing to memory the feel of her soft skin.At least he would always have memories to fall back on.“I’ll go now.Take care of yourself, Morgan.” Jameson turned to leave, feeling a tightness in his chest and moisture in his eyes.He had hoped he hadn’t messed up enough that Morgan couldn’t look past his lies of omission and forgive him, but it wasn’t meant to be.

“That’s it?” she asked softly.Jameson stopped at the top of the stairs and peered back at her.Morgan stared back at him, her keys now fisted in her hand, and she looked more sure and confident than she had a moment ago.“What happened to never giving up?Or was that just all talk?”

Jameson could scarcely breathe.To dare to hope she was saying what he was hoping she was saying.“Isn’t that what you want?”


Jameson took a step toward her.“I don’t want to give up, Morgan, but if you really don’t want to forgive me, I’m not going to force myself on you.”

“You wouldn’t be forcing yourself,” she mumbled with a wry smile and a half shrug of her shoulders.

Jameson’s heart began to race, and his palms became sweaty.Was she saying what he thought she was saying?He took another step toward her.“Be clear about this, Morgan.If you decide to forgive me and take me back, I’m not going anywhere.I’ve already told my boss I’ll be taking on less cases.You’ll be stuck with me more often.The decision is yours.”


“I’m done making decisions for the both of us.This has to be your choice.” He would abide by whatever she decided.To have him or send him packing.

“I get control?” she asked, lifting one eyebrow suggestively.

“In this, yes.” He stepped closer to her, until only a few inches separated them.He let her see all the love he had for her in his eyes.He wasn’t holding anything back anymore.One word from her could slay him or save him.

He didn’t press her to respond right away.He gave her a moment to consider her answer.“Yes,” she whispered.

Jameson released a breath he hadn’t known he was holding.He launched himself at her, taking her mouth in a soul-searing kiss.

Morgan pulled back slightly.“But if you ever try to lie to me again, I will never forgive you.”

“Never,” he promised and pulled her back in for another kiss.Needing it more than the breath in his lungs.She had forgiven him.It was more than he could hope for.

“Jameson, is that you, dear?” Mrs.Donovan called out from her doorway.

They both froze and smiled.“Hi, Mrs.Donovan,” he called out to her without pulling away from Morgan.

“Aw, you two made up.How wonderful.” She sighed happily.

“Thanks, bye, Mrs.Donovan.” They fell into the apartment, and Jameson kicked the door closed with his shoe before reaching back and locking it.They both chuckled against each other’s lips.Mrs.Donovan was a sweet old lady, but too nosy for her own good.He did not want an audience for what he had planned for Morgan.

Jameson lifted Morgan into his arms and carried her back into the bedroom.“You know I have legs that work.” Morgan chuckled even as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Jameson set her down on her feet at the foot of the bed.“I was in a rush.”

“I hope you’re not planning on rushing everything.” Morgan started unbuttoning her blouse and let it drop on the floor before reaching back and unclasping her bra.She stood before him in only her skirt and heels.

She was a sight.A siren calling out to him.He would gladly walk to his doom for her.Jameson removed his clothes in record time, tossing things around him without a care.Morgan had removed her skirt and panties by the time he was finished.He reached for her for another kiss, but Morgan dropped to her knees before him, taking his aching cock in her hand.

A shudder wracked his body as she stroked him from stem to root.A bead of pre-cum leaked from his tip.He was so close to the edge already, and she hadn’t done anything yet.
