Page 4 of Her Heroic Scrooge

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That definitely wasn’t in my plans. Not that I hadn’t imagined her naked or what her lips might taste like or what noises she might make when she came. But I wasn’t here to talk her into anything like that. This was completely a business arrangement.

Still, I’d be a complete fool to change the subject right now. Not with this overwhelming attraction toward her. I had a feeling long after I left this bar tonight, I’d be unable to shake her from my mind.

“I can arrange that,” I said. “Do you want to get this food to go?”

Jordana shook her head. “Let’s finish our meal, and then you show me your place. I’ve always wanted to see one of those penthouse suites.”



The only mistake I made tonight was the nachos. They were a bad mix with my nervous stomach as I stepped through the door of Cruz Kemper’s condo.

I’d half-expected the elevator doors to open directly into his suite, but that wasn’t the way this was laid out. He was at the corner of the building with the best view in the city. And this place was nicer than some of those mansions I’d seen on reality TV.

“Home sweet home,” he said, stepping in behind me.

I’d come to a dead stop not too far inside the door. I was staring around like a tourist in a strange land. People actually lived like this?

“Nice,” I said, hiding my shock in a neutral expression. “How long have you lived here?”

“Four years, but I travel a lot, so it doesn’t feel like that long.”

That’s what I thought. He’d come into the lounge every night for a week or two. Then he’d be gone, only to reappear a couple of months later.

“Come on in, and I’ll show you around,” he said.

He walked around me, and his smell wafted over to me. Woodsy, fresh, maybe a hint of laundry detergent. It was an odd combination, but I had to admit it turned me on.

Everything about him turned me on, and I had no experience with this sort of thing. I’d dated, sure, but I’d never let a man get close to my heart. I didn’t want to make myself vulnerable.

Tonight was different, though. Tonight, I was taking back my life. I felt empowered by what I’d done. Now I was ready to take control of another side of my life.

Tonight, I would lose my virginity.

Cruz led me through the gigantic, mostly empty living room. It looked staged, like something a real estate agent would do for selling. Not lived in like my own tiny apartment.

“Over here is the downstairs bedroom,” he said, continuing his walk toward the back right corner.

That was when I found myself looking around. There were two stories to this condo. He showed me each room but made no move on me. I was seriously disappointed when he didn’t. Yeah, this was not like me at all.

We returned downstairs, and he took me to a door at the end of the living room. It opened up to a balcony that was not what I expected.

“This is home to me,” he said. “I don’t really feel like I’m in Pleasant Valley unless I’m sitting in that hot tub.”

Yes, there was a hot tub. The balcony itself wasn’t very big, and the hot tub took up most of it, but it had plants around it that were even covered in Christmas lights. Two tiny, decorated Christmas trees were perched on the farthest corners and past that was a breathtaking view of the town below.

“I don’t blame you,” I said. “After the day I’ve had, I could climb in right now, clothes and everything.”

“You’ll probably want to take off your clothes first.”

Those words were said in a completely different tone than he’d used previously. His voice had taken on a slight huskiness. He wanted me to take my clothes off?

That’s exactly what I hoped he was saying.

“It’s freezing,” I said. My voice was kind of raspy too. “I can’t just take my clothes off out here.”

I gestured to indicate our surroundings. We were out in the open, but as far as I could tell, nobody was around to see us. It just felt weird, overlooking the city while trying to be private.
