Page 29 of Wild Oat Milk

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I pick Viv up for a snuggle, and once I hear the shower turn on, I take a quick tour of the house.

I don’t know where the other woman and her kid are or what kind of shit they do, but the house is a mess. There are toys everywhere, with no apparent system to contain them, and one of the armchairs in the living room has so much clean laundry on it, there must be nothing left in anyone’s closets — which I can’t dismiss as an exaggeration when I discover the piles of dirty laundry surrounding the washing machine.

My Nirvana T-shirt and flannel shirt are the only clean and folded things in sight, and I don’t like it. They’re sitting on the entryway table, as if ready to be taken away, and the fact that Jem would prioritize washing, drying, and folding them to return to me feels like she wants them the fuck out of her life — or wantsmethe fuck out her life.

“Well, I’m not going anywhere, Viv. You fucking need your Daddoo, so we’ll have to show your mom I’m not some good-for-nothing deadbeat.”

Viv doesn’t agree or disagree. She’s fallen asleep in the crook of my arm, like the fucking angel she is.

I go back to where I saw a baby sling hanging over a door and strap it on, to keep Viv close. Then I pull up my sleeves and get busy.



The dishes are done, and the kitchen smells of baked goods and something else that’s more savory, both of which can be identified as incredibly wholesome and nutritious from their scents alone.

The toys have also been tidied into a corner, the laundry is folded, and there’s a large, sexy man, mopping the dining-room floor, with a baby strapped to his chest.

I amsogoing to fall in love with this son of a bitch if he keeps coming around to do shit like this.

How long did I fall asleep for?

I walked out of the shower, feeling horny and light-headed. I lay on the bed to have a quiet moment to myself, but must have passed out for a while afterward.

It felt like late afternoon when I woke, so I threw on some clothes and rushed downstairs, freaking out that I haven’t yet started making dinner for Dad and Shelby, and knowing I’ll be waylaid even more, because my tits feel ready to burst with Viv’s next feed.

“She slept that whole time, and youcleaned?” I ask, waiting safely at the door to avoid the wet floor and Gunnar’s sure and sturdy sweeps of the mop.

“She’s been good as gold,” he says with a smile, setting the mop aside just as Viv starts to squirm and make some waking noises. “You feel better after your sleep, mama bear?” he asks, pulling Viv from the wrap so carefully, I want to give him a medal. “I hope you don’t mind that I poked my head in, to check on you,” he says, glancing my way. “I started to get worried when I didn’t see you after a while. I thought you might have fallen in the shower.”

My face warms.

I woke still naked from the shower, with my towel barely covering me at all. He totally saw my ass. Probably my tits, too. Maybe…OhGod, my dildo was still on the bed. Did heseeit? Oh, I want to fucking die.

“I…”Iwhat? Do I pretend it didn’t happen?

I raise my chin and clear my throat. “Thank you for tidying up. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Definitely not for as long as I did.”

Gunnar lifts his gaze to me, as he jiggles Viv to settle her. “I’m glad you did. You looked like you needed it.” He looks me up and down and nods. “Much improved. You hungry?”

My cheeks feel even hotter, and my nipples begin to prickle. “Oh,fuck. Here we go again.”

I reach out for Viv, as my breasts start leaking through my clean tank top. Usually, I’d put breast pads in, to stop soaking my clothes with milk, but I was in a rush to get downstairs when I realized the sun was getting low in the sky.

Gunnar’s gaze is like a fucking laser, and he stares at my chest — unapologetically, it would seem — which makes me burn up for a whole lot of other reasons that have nothing to do with embarrassment.

He hands me Viv, who’s scrunching her face and turning pink. She’s about to scream the house down. It’s like she wakesup starving from every nap, and it’s all I can do, to get milk into her as fast as possible.

I tug my tank top down, so my breast peeks out, and I shove it in her gob, just as she lets out a massive wail. My nipple takes her by surprise, and she whimpers once, and then sucks the hell of me, until I moan in relief as the over-full ache drains from my breast.

“I probably left her too long,” I mutter, walking with her to the nearest armchair and pressing a cool palm to my other breast, to soothe the hot, swollen tissue.

Gunnar follows, watching everything, like he can’t look away. He wets his lips, eyes on my free breast, as I encourage more milk from it, to ease the tight discomfort. That side is still covered, but the pale fabric has turned transparent from the spreading moisture, and the dark shape of my nipple is clearly visible, so I may as well be exposed.

I look from my breast to the sexy man I’ve captivated with it and feel suddenly powerful. And turned on by his interest.

Slowly, intentionally, I milk myself a little more, watching Gunnar closely, while he remains transfixed.
