Page 28 of Wild Oat Milk

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I want to stick my dick right into her soft, warm center and fuck her full of cum again.

I growl at myself.

No fucking, and notryingto fuck her. Best behavior. That’s it.

I’m only here to do whatever I can, to support my girls.

I open my door, get out of my truck, and retrieve the box of eggs, fruit, and vegetables from the back.

Jem answers on my first knock, and a rush of sweet cookie-smell wafts at me from inside.

“Hey,” she says with a strained smile, wiping messy hands on the even messier cloth she’s holding. “You were sitting out there a while. I could see you through the kitchen window.” She tilts her head toward the room off the entryway.

“Oh.” I lift the box I’m holding and ask with my eyebrows if I can put it in there.

She nods, and I hold it on my hip while I clear some counter space for it. “I was just thinking,” I say, as I stack dishes one-handed.

She rushes to help. “Sorry. I meant to tidy, I just…”

“You don’t have to do that for me. I’m not fancy, and it looks like you’re baking. Baking gets messy. Everyone knows that.” I don’t give a fuck about the state of the room, when the state of her is all I’m worried about.

She looks exhausted. There are dark circles under her eyes, her hair is one big tangle, her clothes are rumpled and stained, and I don’t know why, but she looks hungry. Hungry and thirsty.

To avoid staring and making her feel self-conscious, I step around her and drop down to where Viv is wriggling and sputtering wet mouthy noises on a blanket under a colorful play-gym thing.Shelooks immaculate and well-cared for.

“Hello, beautiful girl,” I coo and give her a raspberry kiss on her cheek that makes her scrunch her face and squirm. I tilt my head, as I look at her. “Did you grow, in a day?” I turn to Jem “Did she grow, or am I imagining it?”

“She grew,” Jem says with a quiet groan. “It’s like I put her to bed one size, and when I picked her up again, she was bigger. I don’t know how it works, because it’s not like she’s sleep-eating. The physics doesn’t make any sense. It’s like she absorbs extra mass particles from the air around her while she sleeps, or something.”

“You’re switching to Growing Mode in your sleep, little sausage?” I say in a silly voice to Viv as I let her grab my finger. “What a good girl. Getting all big and strong. Look at these little muscles.”

“What kinds of things were you thinking about in your truck, for twelve minutes?” Jem scratches her cheek and leaves flour on her skin.

Her gaze is as shifty as her feet, and she seems nervous.

“Um… I guess I was giving myself a pep-talk about how to handle this whole situation, and I decided I would take it as it comes, and work with what you feel comfortable with,” I say, almost absently, as I look her over more thoroughly. “Rough night?”

Her cheeks begin to color, and she runs her hand over her hair, leaving flour there, too. “Viv wanted to feed most of the night, so I barely slept. Is it obvious?”

“No,” I assure her softly, though it’s a fucking lie. “But I can watch Viv if you want to go shower or nap or… whatever you want.”

Jem looks down at her Blind Melon T-shirt, holding it out to assess the stains. She moans and glances at Viv, and then at me. “I don’t remember showering yesterday, so that’s probably a good idea. You wouldn’t mind?”

“Not at all. You go ahead. We’ll be okay. Won’t we Viviana Bea?” I frown. “When did you last feed her?” I ask Jem.

She feels her breasts absently, as her expression turns thoughtful. “About an hour ago? She’ll probably want more soon. She’s brought in a whole lot of milk after suckling all night, and she’ll want to drink it,” she says with a wince as she gingerly presses the top of one swollen breast.

“Hot showers are good for easing that, I hear. My sister used to release that way if she felt too full.”

Jem stares at me. “I kind of like how much you know about all this. I’m too tired to explain it, so it’s a relief not to have to. You’ll really be okay?”

“You’ll still be in the house if I’m not. Right?”

Jem relaxes her shoulders and nods. “Of course. Um… thanks.”

“Don’t mention it.” I wave her off. “Me and Viv want to spend some time getting to know each other, anyway. Isn’t that right, little button?”

Jem looks between me and our daughter and smiles before heading upstairs.
