Page 60 of Wild Oat Milk

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I chuckle quietly near her ear. “You’re both pretty vocal about what you want; I’ll give you that. But mostly, you make me feel needed, and I like that.”

“I definitely need you, Gunnar Scott. And I love you from top to toe.”

“I love you too, Little Miss. Be sure to have sweet dreams. Your body is doing a lot of magic right now, and I know you’re going to be wonderful all over again tomorrow, so you need to recharge this gorgeous little baby-making miracle well.”

“Yes, Daddy.” There’s a smile in her voice, and she intentionally snuggles her ass right in against my hard cock, slotting the thing between her buns like a hotdog, before taking a deep breath and relaxing completely.

I nuzzle into her hair and kiss the back of her head, while I stroke her growing belly. “Good girl.”

Daddies are important.

But a Daddy’s girl is someone really special, and a good daddy makes sure she knows it.


Jem parks next to our minivan and climbs out of the truck, wearing her self-labeledsmart-as-fuck business attireand a huge grin on her face.

Her outfit is literally her Converse sneakers, jeans, a T-shirt, and a tie — and she looks cute as hell. “It’s official,” she says, shutting the truck door. She takes her daughter from me as Viv reaches out and calls for her mama.

Jem gives our girl a big smooshy kiss and cuddles her close, before she leans to our son and blows a raspberry on his cheek.

“They bought it?” I ask, shifting Tobin higher on my hip, before I bend down to get my kiss.

Jem blows a raspberry on my cheek, too, making Viv giggle, and then kisses me properly on the lips. “Yup.Daddoo and Meis going to air in the living rooms of kids from seventeen different countries,” she says, bouncing on the spot.

I bounce too, and Viv thinks it’s a party, so she cheers, and even Tobin burbles and flaps and proudly shows off his new tooth.

I shake my head at my young wife in wonder. “Jem that’samazing.”

“You’reamazing. That studly, woolen rabbit-daddy is based on you, Daddoo.”

“Little Viv Rabbit and her baby brother Tobes are the real stars,” I say, my cheeks warming.

Jem looks me over. “Do I need to send you to theGunnar Scott School of Belief,to improve your self-esteem?”

My cheeks blaze even hotter, and I shrug. “What are the classes like? Any good?”

Jem crooks her finger at me, so I’ll bend close and she can whisper in my ear.

“It’s mostly a lot of baby-making activities, a mixture of sweet-talk and-dirty talk, and a consistent, liberal application of love.”

“Sounds hot,” I whisper, stealing a kiss before switching Tobin to my other hip, so I can slip my arm around my girls and herd them inside. “Maybe I’ll enroll. See what happens.”

Jem snorts and lets a squirming Viv down, to run. Then she takes Tobin from me, tosses her tie over her shoulder, lifts her shirt, and latches the hungry boy on as she walks. “You’re looking at what happens.”

I nod in approval. “I like it. Sign me up.”

“I want you to see the latest clip I made, first.” She pulls her phone from her back pocket and works it one-handed, like a fucking whiz-kid. The things this woman can do with one thumb…

Jem points to the couch and waits for me to sit before handing me the phone. She settles next to me and makes faces at Tobin when he grins and gurgles at her tit about how happy he is that she’s home. He adores her as much as the rest of us do, and for a moment, I just watch the two of them, my heart full.

Jem notices me staring and blushes. Her knee knocks into mine. “PushPlay,” she urges, her cheeks getting pinker the longer I stare at her.

I give an approving grunt and do what I’m told.

But it’s not the cute clip of frolicking woodland creatures I was expecting.

For starters, instead of the light, and bouncy opening theme-song she normally uses, Jem’s gone with abow-wow-chikka-chikkathat sounds more like a classic porn soundtrack, and the title that comes up reads,Daddy and Little Miss.
