Page 20 of Infuriated

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“Restrooms, in the back,” someone says, and I practically fly toward the far corner. My skin is clammy with fear, and my hands press against the wall as I make my way through, steadying myself as I try to avoid customers who are dotted around the place.

They’re closing in on me. I can feel it by the hairs on the back of my neck. They rise, sensing danger, making my chest clench. There. The restrooms. I pull open the door, cross the hall down to the back, to the emergency exit. I’m not sure how to open this door, and my desperate hands claw against it, banging it, pulling it. “Come on, come on—” Frustration rattles my bones. I growl, pushing my hip against the door. “Comeon!” Then, with a long and tired creak, the door finally opens, revealing a narrow alley that’s filled with dumpsters. Other than that, it's surprisingly quiet, the loudness from the main road being dimmed by stone. Bending my head practically between my legs, I need a moment to collect my breathing and my panic.

It doesn’t last long.

Footsteps replace the muffled quietness, heavy, confident, as they pound in my ears. It creates a buzzing sound that makes my knees wobble when I walk away, makes my hand grab the closest dumpster to regain balance. The metal click of a lighter resonates behind me, followed by a lit cigarette, then a cough, and with my back turned to All Saints, I wait.

“There you are.” Damon’s rough voice lets out a harsh laugh. “Boy, who knew you were going to be this much fun, hey? And so fast." He takes a drag. "You know the kinda guy who runs?” I deflate, chest still heaving, while he exhales smoke, waiting. “Traitors and cowards.” My heart shatters in my chest. This is it. “Which category do you belong to, hmm?” I squeeze my eyes closed, pressing my lips firmly together. “I thought Daddy’s letter was important to you. Add a bit of cash to that, and our deal was sweet. But you couldn’t do it, could you?” Someone lets out a dry chuckle. “You failed,” Damon drawls, followed by another exhalation of smoke. I pick up on the cheap scent of rolled tobacco. “I think that we should -”

“Leave me alone!” I cry out. Fear fuels adrenaline like a rocket. With all force in me, I move the dumpster, rolling the heavy container between us. And then I run.

“Fuck!” I hear behind me, and it galvanizes me even further. My feet ache, my waist stings, and my throat constricts from the rapid panting. But I keep going, deeper into the alley. Hopping over discarded trash bags and unable to avoid every single puddle of dirt. Those blisters will kill me tomorrow. My speed falters, chest sputtering. I won’t be able to keep up. But then I see the main street at the end of the alley. I nearly make it toward the corner, when Damon finally catches up with me. With a growl, he pushes me sideways until I hit the wall on a painful thud.

“I think you’re a bit of both. A traitor, and a coward. But let’s see if you’re clever. What do you get for fucking things up?” His partner lets out a harsh bark, and Damon’s wicked glare finds mine again. “That’s right. You get fucked up.”

He grabs a handful of my hair and squeezes it tight, making me flinch.

Rope, guns or fists. The Frères Perdus, All Saints or the Void.

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe.

Fists it is. How long will it take them to beat me to death? The idea is terrifying, the fear of pain excruciating. But regret that I won’t be able to take care of Mom is heartbreaking.

“It’s such a shame really,” Damon murmurs. “You're a pretty boy. And I really wanted to pay you well. And Daddy’s letter… oh well, I guess I’ll just return it to sender.”

“No…” I whimper. Hooking his leg over my ankles, my knees buck, leaving me helpless in his grip. He pulls me up and close enough for his mouth to hiss in my ear, “You hadonejob. One, fucking job.”

“I know.” It comes out on a miserable sob.

“I don't think this kid needs the money.” Damon rattles my body with his hand in my hair, and his buddy snickers through the puffs of smoke. “You don’t need it, do you?”

I think of the grocery bag, left discarded when I ran away from them earlier, and our empty fridge. “No,” I wheeze, eyes burning with shame.

“I don’t think I will even spare your life, you miserable, fucking cunt.” He pushes me against the wall. “You’ve got no idea what a mess we are in thanks to you.”

“I’m sorry,” I splutter.

“What’s that?” He shakes me again.

“I said I'm sorry!” I wheeze. The sudden click of metal makes us all look up. Two men are standing at the entrance of the alley, their guns pointed at our faces. I recognize Kai immediately, his leather jacket tight around his strong frame, his dark hair styled in his usual slick quiff. His onyx stare is on me, while he shakes the muzzle of his gun impatiently. It’s pointed at All Saints. Damon barks out a laugh and increases the pressure on my arms.

“You’re in the wrong neighborhood.” His voice sounds forced.

“Yeah.” Kai’s lips curl up into the tiniest of smirks, and he makes a show of looking around him. “You can say that again. This dump’s not my turf.Yet. But you see,thatguy—” he points his gun to me, “is ours.”

“The fuck he is.”

Kai tilts his face in fake mockery. “Oh, really? You think you can negotiate when you’ve come out to play without your metal?”

Damon lets out a filthy laugh and rattles me again. “Trust me, you don’t want this one. He’s useless.”

“Still want him. Ro?” His partner moves and both me and Damon flinch. That guy is Aaron Carrington. People talk of him on the streets. He’s one of their newest leaders, and the one who’s taken the Void out of anonymity. He’s also Kai’s cousin, but from their looks, they could have been brothers. Similar dark features, though the expression in his eyes is softer, when he flicks his gaze to me. I shiver when he reaches out a hand, then takes a step forward. “Take it,” Kai orders, watching me sharply. “Go on,” he hushes when I hesitate. “Damon, my man, you’re gonna let him go, aren’t you?”

For the first time, Damon hesitates. I can feel it in the way his hold on my shoulders tense, before it releases my aching skin. But I hesitate too. Fists or guns?

I want Dad’s letter.

“Come on,” Ro urges, gaze locked on mine. My heart’s beating fast, uncertainty laced through my core. Damon gives me a vicious push, and I stumble, then fall to the ground.
