Page 29 of Infuriated

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“I think so too,” he whispers. “But I want more.” Holy. Fucking. Shit. Did I hear that right? Is he… is he asking what I think he is? My cock fills rapidly, fire sizzling through my veins.

“You’re pretty reckless for someone who’s all alone.” My voice sounds gravel, thick with unleashed desire, and I’m fucking amped on anticipation.

“I know,” he mumbles. Then he closes the last distance and lets his tongue caress the outline of my lips. Heat coils down my stomach and further down to my cock. The touch is soft, but oh so promising.

“Then why did you come here?” I mumble against his wet mouth.

“Because I want you to show me.”

“Show you what?”

Phoenix drops a kiss onto my lips, then wraps his arms and legs around me like a koala. I catch him, too stunned to fully understand what’s going on here. But when I feel his arousal colliding with mine, equally hard and throbbing in my pants, I catch up quickly. He really is smaller than I am, and lighter, since I hold him with ease. It feels natural, as if he was meant to be here. In my arms. Which is ridiculous. His lower lip sticks out in a pouty way that shouldn’t be this sinful, then he shrugs one delicate shoulder.

“Show me how you’d bring me in.”



Kai’s charcoal stare blazes as he holds me perfectly in balance.

He’s right, this is madness. I am all alone, have been left behind, and there’s not a day that passes that I don’t forget about that. Still, part of me is thrilled to be here. Even a little proud.

“How to bring you in… alright.” When Kai grips his hands under my ass and starts walking, I automatically clench my thighs around his waist. “I’d put you on a spot, then release you.” He drops me onto the window sill, my legs still curled around him. “Look behind you.” Darkness, combined with thousands of lights, and our own, mingled reflections through the glass. “How often have you been to Manhattan?”

“I sometimes go,” I lie. I mean, I’ve been before. Mostly with Dad, who sometimes headed over there for work. In a way we’ve come out tonight together again, because I’m carrying his letter in my pocket. Just for moral support. But I haven’t been over the past months, until now. “I like Central Park because of the water.” Kai hums at that, the sound vibrating across my ear lobe and into my brain, causing scattering goosebumps on my arms.

“The Lake. Good. Now, imagine that you’re standing by the water, in the park. Anywhere.” His whisper makes me shiver. “And you need to get to the American Museum of Natural History. See where that is? Now, you know whereyouare, and you know where you have to be, but you don’t know whereIam.”

“You mean, like in a race?” I squeak.

“Exactly, baby mouse. Like in a race,” he croons, and my insides quiver at the meaning, making my cock throb and in need for attention. “What would you do?”

“I—” I swallow. “I’d run.”

“Hmm. But where would you go?” I squeeze my eyes shut, the gravel in his voice sending shards of pleasure throughout my body. This is not how this evening was supposed to go. I’d already been out when they canceled tonight’s job, and I didn’t feel like being back in my room. Didn’t want to be alone, accompanied by pencils and music. Not tonight. My body has felt restless since it was touched by Kai, and despite my fear, my craving is bigger. I’m begging to show him the kind of man I can be in my dreams with him. Begging to man up and face the threat that’s perfectly in line with my desire.Him.

On the way here I listened to the Beatles, somehow feeling closer to him already, since he told me he’s a fan. But now I’m sitting here, trapped by Kai’s muscular thighs, and that thin layer of self-confidence is melting away. “Where would my baby mouse go?” He sing-songs, and I know that we’re no longer talking about the park.

He’s right. Where would I go? To our apartment? That place hasn’t felt like home for a very long time. To a friend? I don’t have any friends. To family? To the cemetery? To the fictive penthouse where Dad will never be waiting for me? To the fucking stars?

“I’d catch you.” His fingers press into the skin of my jaw when he tilts up my face. “I’d hunt you down, and then catch you. You wouldn’t even see it coming.”

What he means is that he’d hurt me. That should scare me. So why do these words fuel my desire even more?

“Now tell me again, why did you come here tonight?” My eyes dart between his, mind fuzzy with embarrassment. This was a shit idea, I should have known. Fear crawls up, the realization that I’ve done the one thing I promised myself I wouldn’t do—leave the shadows.

He dips in, his lush mouth impossibly close to mine, making my heart pump wildly in my ribcage. “Come on, little killer bee, show me.” I whimper at the words, but my hand around his neck squeezes further, bringing him just that bit closer for me to—I crush our mouths together. Hard. I’ve been famished for his touch. Our teeth clank and I accidentally bite his lip, frantic and desperate. I want him so badly it burns, this ache that’s spreading across my chest. But there it is, my true reasons for being here. What he did to me a few days ago, wasn’t just my first kiss, or the first time someone caressed my body, my dick. It was somehow liberating to feel another person that close, to feel vibrant flesh burning against mine in the smoldering heat of passion. To feel fuckingwanted. And it planted a seed that needs to be nourished, to be desired, for it to blossom.

Like falling cherry blossom.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter when I tug on his lip, begging for him to open his mouth.

“No you’re not,” Kai chuckles, but grants me access, and I instantly swipe my tongue inside his hot mouth, needing him close. My fists turn into claws, and I whimper and moan, overcome by this intrusion of desire. My cock throbs inside my sweats, and when he brushes past it, I nearly jolt onto his lap. Kai changes the angle, wanting to dominate, but I scratch into his skin, muttering my frustration as he settles me against the cool glass, my legs still wrapped around his thighs.

“Fuck, baby mouse, what’s gotten into you,” he groans, and it’s enough for another shot of heat to run through my body. He traps me against the window, until I’m only kept in balance by his heavy body, and wraps his fingers around the back of my neck to keep me steady. He seals our mouths back together, molding them into a perfect cushion of softness and heat, our kisses matching the rhythm of his grinding hips. This time he leads, his tongue pushing past my lips, teasing mine and making my toes curl. I whimper desperately while he keeps on flicking his hips against mine, slowly, and perfectly, knowing exactly how to get me in a frenzy.

“Is this why you came here tonight?” He mumbles. “Is this why you came all the way from your part of town, knowing that it would be dangerous?” He tilts my head even further, and I need to look up to see his roaring, pupil-dilated gaze. “For my cock?” He punctuates every single word with a roll of his hips, and I moan into the air. His tongue laps at my lips, and then it traces down, to my neck, where it searches then bites, the sting making my cock pulse. He hums when he licks the wound, sealing it with a kiss, before moving back up to my mouth. “There. I’ve branded you, baby mouse. And now I’m gonna fuck you.” He brushes a hand through my curls, all the way down to my nape, that he pinches between his fingers to make me look up. “Do you want me to?” He picks up his speed, his body curling obscenely as larger rolls hit my crotch, making me mewl and buck in search for more friction. God, I want him so badly. Anticipation coils inside my stomach, heavy and hot. This will be my first time, and it will be with Kai.This is why I came here tonight.“Words, please.”
