Page 34 of Infuriated

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“Phoenix, yeah.” He chuckles once more to himself. “Phoenix. I just can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this before. Sometimes you’re such a stubborn fucker. Ro didn’t mention anything like this.”

“Yeah, well, no one needed to know.” But it feels good that he knows now. This version of Austin’s heart-to-heart is refreshing. I needed it. Him telling me not to be an idiot like that, me telling him to fuck off. It’s good. It’s actually really good to confide in him about all this shit.

“But you want him,” Austin insists. I shrug. “You want him to suck your dick.”

“Come on, bro.” Oh, fuck I want that. Austin grins.

“You want to pin him down beneath you and fuck him bare.”

“Stop it man.”

“Come on, just admit it, it won’t hurt you,” Austin teases, but his eyes aren’t dancing. They are analyzing me, encouraging me to spit it the fuck out. I let out a heavy sigh.


“Alright.” He drums his hands against his thighs. “Alright.” He’s silent after that, a silence that ticks away the time, making me drowsy and my eyes heavy. Fuck, I’ve been here too long.

And then there’s nothing.

I startle at the sound of Austin’s voice. “So this is what you do, huh?” The words fill the tight air, as though coming from afar. I open my eyes, only to realize that it’s pitch-dark outside. “Yeah, couz, we’ve been sitting here for hours.” The night covers us like a tight glove. I must have fallen asleep at some point, and when I blink them, my eyes burn with fatigue.

“Have you seen him leave yet? For work?”

“I don’t know, man, I was on my phone. Connor’s asking me where the hell I am.” He holds it up in the air. “It’s nearly four, you slept for a good, few hours after admitting that you wanted to fuck him. So what are we waiting for?”

“For him to leave for work,” I yawn, feeling groggy.

“So, according to your investigation, Sherlock, what time’s he supposed to leave?”

“He shouldn’t be long now.” I busy myself checking my phone, when the atmosphere changes.

“Kai, look,” my cousin warns.

There he is. Hooded, snarky, sexy, Phoenix. Heading toward the main street, no doubt on his way to work. Which is not the reason that I’m out of the car in no time. It’s the white van that has me moving, coming out of fucking nowhere. It stops a little further down the street, closer to the apartment block, and the door opens while I still need to cross the streets. Thank fuck there are not many people out here, for once. The driver is leather clad, his long, graying hair tied in a loose bun, as he jogs up behind Phoenix. All Saints.

“Hey!” I warn.

“Kai,” Austin mumbles from right beside me. The driver startles, then starts running back to his van. “Go! I’ll take care of this one.” Austin tackles him to the ground, and that’s the last thing I see of him in my attempt to get closer to Phoenix. He stands on the street, frozen like a deer in headlights, eyes wide, filled with sleep and something else. He opens his mouth, then closes it again. No words come out. I make my way toward him, stepping next to him on the pavement. Behind us both men are still grunting and swearing while they’re wrestling on the ground.

“What did he want? Are you alright?” I wince at my own stupid word choice.

Phoenix seems equally surprised. “I—I don’t know what he wanted. What about you?”

“What about me?” His eyes dart from Austin back to me.

“What do you want? It’s four in the morning and you’re not meant to be around here.” He’s right. I should be in my bed, sleeping. But my chest is flaring with emotion, that only right now, after hours of sitting in my car, waiting for him, is shifting to something more like need. Since that shit is too deep to dig up on a filthy street, I growl, “I’ve told you before that you shouldn’t walk these streets on your own at night.”

“Do I need to remind you that I come from this neighborhood? I grew up here,” he snarls. He backs away, then spins on his heel and starts walking. Like hell I’m going to let him escape this exhilarating, and contrary array of emotions he’s just heaving up inside me. Self-control has never been my strength, but I exhale slowly and step to match his. “Let me walk you to work.”


“Phoenix—” I grab him by his neck and shove him against the wall. He hits it with a thud, brown eyes large and indignant as he glares at me, and that part of him is as sexy as it is infuriating. I don’t want him to know that I’ve been waiting for him for nights, hating him and myself for it. I don’t want to ask him if he loved being with me as much as I did being with him. How I can’t wait to be buried in him again, and make him feel good and safe, and fucking worthy. I don’t want to say all of that, but it’s burning fiercely in my chest, consuming me. I tighten my grip on his throat and use my thumb to push his chin up. “What the hell are you doing to me?” I mumble, somehow sounding defeated. “Why can’t I just wipe you out?”

His gaze softens at my words. “I’ve missed you, Kai, but when I’m with you, I can’t keep my guard down.” I’m too stunned to reply for once, too late to avoid his touch. Because he moves his head up and presses a kiss onto the corner of my lip. It’s soft and shy, careful and fucking perfect. The gentle touch tickles my sensitive skin, and I don’t need much time to recover, to turn my face and dip in, tasting his sweet mouth as I do so. Vanilla and chocolate, with a hint of coffee. It’s fucking delicious. I swipe my tongue between his lips, licking and sucking as I do so, nipping on the tender flesh. His gentle mewls guide my movements, so soft and only for me. My mouth tingles, fingers still squeezing in the soft flesh of his neck. I want to fucking devour this guy. But his hands on my chest push me away.

“I need to go to work. Kai—”

“Tell me,” I beg. “Are you hard for me right now?” He swallows, the bobbing of his Adam's apple grazing against my fingertips. But he doesn’t answer me. “Say it.” Finally he nods. It’s hesitant, and makes him fragile and victorious at the same time. “Have you thought about my cock? How you want it buried inside your ass, filling you up?” Fuck, I have, every fucking minute.
