Page 6 of Infuriated

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“You know what weak men do?” Mom sneers, and my eyes flutter closed as I nod on a sob. “They leaveeverythingbehind! They leave you to rot, torot!” Her eyes are livid, her glare unhinged, and she takes a wet slurp while eying me from above her beer can. At my silence she lets out another hoarse chuckle. Then she points at the metallic spatula that’s still dangling mid-air between my trembling hand, while we both listen to my sobs.

“I should stop this madness, baby,” her mumbling gravel has turned to a whisper. “Should stop this fucking drink. You remember life before?” When I look up through my blurred vision, she’s no longer sitting. She’s standing right next to me, a shriveled, hooded form. “You remember your mama?” I swallow thickly while I watch her blow out smoke in a slow exhale and flick ashes into a tray. “You did this to me, my love.You, Phoenix.” Her eyes darken as she jabs a finger into my chest. “You destroyed this family.Youdid that.” It pinches with hurt and humiliation, and so much regret that it threatens to swallow me. Tears now roll freely over my cheeks, eyes puffy and swollen and wet, my heart bleeding with sorrow. “Say it, Phoenix. Say that you did that, thatyoudestroyed this family.”

I nod through my sobs, licking the moisture from my upper lip as I take a shuddering breath. “I did that.” The whisper is barely audible, but she hears. I hear it too, the burning confession drumming inside my head.

I need my earbuds. I need my pencils.

Mom falls back onto her seat, where she trashes the bud into the ashtray. “We’ll visit your sister tomorrow. Celebrate her birthday again.”

“Okay,” I exhale on a heavy breath. Then, with my plate of pasta, I quietly make my way outside of the kitchen and into my own bedroom, which I lock with my key. Locking everything out.



Iknow where he lives. OfcourseI fucking know where he lives. This part of NYC belongs to the Void, and until today, we’ve let All Saints play around a bit.

Guess. Fucking. What?Playtime’s over, and it’s time to show them who’s in charge here. Those fucking assholes royally screwed up today with their so-called attempt on our lives. If they thought we hadn’t seen them coming, they’re dead wrong. Anything.Anythingto protect my family. Yet we nearly let it happen. Because we didn’t want to ruin Austin and Connor’s festivities.

I just didn’t expect that remote control to be inhishands. It makes me seethe, and yet I’m fucking thrilled. Because there’s something about this guy, this No One… that I can’t put my finger on. What Idoknow is that he’s in trouble.

I’m dying to find out his name.

While the others continue their picnic, oblivious to the threat, I watch security taking their time to clear the park. Until Owen, my uncle’s bodyguard, approaches me as discreetly as possible.

“It was the black van parked right behind us that was carrying the bomb.” He juts his chin toward the street. “They’re gone now. All of them. Thanks to you.”

I ignore his compliment. “Let’s not take any risks. I know that the guys wanted to have a celebration under the cherry trees, but I don’t feel it, man.” Because we may have been able to stop them in time, but fuck me, that was close. Owen nods at that, not surprised by my decision. I glare at the empty spot where No One was sitting right before, his shoulders slumped and his curls hidden under his hoodie. “Is security after him?”

“Yes.” Owen waggles his phone. “Sharing their location as we speak. Looks like he’s going home."

"That treacherous, little fucker," I grumble to myself, finally dragging my gaze from the spot under the tree and back to the present. Oh, I know where that run-down apartment is that he calls home. It’s not the first time that I’ve paid it a visit over the past months. As a matter of fact, I’ve made it my newest habit to stalk his street, just to see what he’s up to. But Owen needn’t know that. Or anyone else, for that matter. “Keep an eye on him. Make sure that he can’t go running back to All Saints without our knowledge. I’ll move the family to Shaolin’s, then check in again. Remember, this is a secret mission. You got an issue, you call me, or Logan. Let’s make sure the others enjoy these festivities without having to worry.”

Owen dips his chin. “You got it, Sir.” He hesitates, then adds, “Just, if you decide to come down, please call me and I’ll have a car pick you up. For safety reasons.” I clap him on the back, then head back to the others.

“Alright, everyone, listen up! The weather forecast is not looking great, so we’ll continue this party inside Shaolin’s.” I ignore Samuel’s surprised look, and instead focus on Mia, who’s on her feet immediately, a blanket in her hand. She’s a member of this so-called secret mission that Logan brought to life, and has turned out to be a loyal ally. Arching her brows in my direction, I carefully nod.

Yes, danger was here. Yes, danger is gone.For now.

“Come on, everybody. Let’s head over to Shaolin’s. We can continue the judo practice over there. Come ooonnn…” She tries pulling Connor up by his arm.

“No, couz—” Austin points his glass to the clear-blue sky. “The weather’s fucking awesome today. Look at the sky, it’s blue! Listen to the birds, they’re singing! Look at the blossom—” He eyes Connor. “Isn’t this what you wanted, sweetling?” I step in before Connor can reply.

“Come on, loverboy.” Pulling him up, I’m secretly happy that he already has enough alcohol in his system. Connor grabs Austin’s other arm when he sways a little. He grins at me and I smirk back. Austin’s always been a happy drunk. With both guys up, the others follow easily. Austin still pouts and complains about my definition of a bad forecast, but I couldn’t care less. One day soon he’ll thank me for it. While the others start packing their things, Mia discreetly moves closer.

“What’s going on?”

“All Saints,” I grumble in a whisper, my eyes taking in our family as they get ready to leave. My chest starts pounding a bit faster, tightening as it does so, as if I only now realize what the fuck really just happened. A remote control is what happened. A bomb, close enough to get us killed. And that little traitor with his delectable features, who’s engraving himself deeper into my mind every night that passes.

Don’t get me wrong. I was born into crime. My dad is one of the three founders of the Void, established together with my two uncles. The Void was an anonymous gang for years, and although we only operate in Brooklyn, mostly drugs and sex, and more recently some loan sharks, the founders always wanted to keep their families safe. Growing up, I heard people in our neighborhood talking about our gang. We were feared, an unknown mask of menace, or perhaps it wasbecausewe were anonymous. It has always given me a kick, because that’s the arrogant son of a bitch that I am. Knowing that danger was even closer around them than they thought, that we were capable of taking away everything that mattered if we wanted to. It made me hungry, and gave me direction. Because the family alliance and business we operate in together, its invisibility, and ultimately, its power, is the only thing I’ve ever wanted.

Being the eldest child, I always knew that I’d succeed Dad one day, have even been waiting for it. But none of that can erase the fear I just felt, when I saw No One under that cherry tree. With that remote in his trembling hand. I haven’t quite managed to figure out where he fits into this picture. He’s too small, too fragile, carries too much innocence to be given such a huge task. Unless All Saints don’t mind getting rid of him either. But, delicate build or not, the facts are staring at me through the mirror. Maybe I just don’t want to see them, because he’s got, what … a pretty face? The fuck is wrong with me? I don’t do dudes. Plus, there’s no denying that it washimwho tried to frame Connor in France, and it was fuckinghimwith that remote control in his hands earlier. No One needs to be brought in to pay for his actions. End of story.

“Hey,” Mason approaches me, a tall, ripped bodyguard with a timid character. He blinks, then waves a little uncomfortably, “Want me to take the limo?”

“Nah, I’ll do it.” I turn to Austin and Ro. “Get your asses in the car, I’ll drive.” After today, I need them close. Even if they annoy the hell out of me. To Mason, I say, “Go and grab the SUV.”

“You got it,” he replies, tossing me the keys to the limo. “Come on, baby.” Gabriel leaves his spot under the cherry tree to join him, and Mason grabs him tight as he guides him back to the cars.
