Page 23 of Boss's Mate

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“I thought it best not to put anything clean on, so I put my night things on,” Kayla said, shrugging. “My clothes from earlier aren't exactly in any fit state to wear again.”

Lance raised a brow. Kayla chuckled and reached for his shirt, turning the open hem so that Lance could see where the buttons were supposed to be. They were gone, several loose threads all that remained.

“They look pretty similar to this,” Kayla explained. “Though my skirt is practically shredded.”

“Sorry,” Lance said, feeling heat build in his cheeks. “I guess I got a little carried away.”

Kayla inched closer and her fingertips grazed the hair on his chest. She watched herself do so before she looked into his eyes and said, “I think we both did.”

And then she bit her lip, entirely undoing Lance all over again.

He couldn't help himself. He grabbed hold of her by the buttocks and pulled her close, kissing her with as much passion as he had the first time. For a fleeting moment he feared she might try to pull away. Maybe she had some post-lovemaking clarity as he had before she came out of the bedroom looking likethat.

But she didn't, and so Lance pulled her into his arms, growling against her lips when she hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist once more.

Instinctively, he carried her to the breakfast bar. He had wanted to do things right the first time, but this time he simply needed to be inside her. And the breakfast bar was as good a place as any for that.

Besides, he simply couldn't wait to get up those stairs again before he had her.

“We shouldn't be doing this,” Kayla whispered against his lips, but even as she said the words, she grabbed his head and kissed him hard, tilting her pelvis toward him.

“I know…” Lance ground out, reaching for his belt buckle.

“We are in huge trouble,” Kayla continued, but each time they spoke, their kisses became more heated, their hands gripping each other more tightly as he prepared to take her all over again.

“We'll fig—” Lance never got the chance to finish what he had about to say, as there was a sudden hammering upon the front door down the hall.

Kayla's back went rigid beneath Lance's hands. His own body tensed and he gritted his teeth. He listened, raising his nose to sniff the air. Yet all he could smell was the scent of Kayla's wonderful perfume and the fragrance of their last lovemaking.

“I…I should get that,” Kayla said, slipping off the breakfast bar. Her cheeks were bright red.

“Not a chance,” Lance said, whipping her back behind the bar. To take the sting out of his tone, he kissed her forehead before he said, “It could be anyone. I'll go.”

By anyone, he meant Stan, though he couldn't bring himself to say the name. The way Kayla's gaze flashed suggested she knew what he had meant.

Silently, Lance headed down the hall, leaving Kayla where she stood. She was clearly frozen with concern over who might be pounding on her door in such a manner. Even Lance's heart was hammering at the sound as it grew more insistent.

His fingernails elongated to claws, prepared to take on whoever was on the other side of the door. He imagined slashing right through Stan's jugular for all the trouble he had caused.

Though Lance was a werewolf, and a protector, he had never allowed himself to use violence as the first option. Maybe if he had, his Daisy might still be alive.

And so, he prepared himself to do the worst.

He turned the lock in the door and yanked it open only to almost be barreled over by a little blonde firecracker.

“Where is she?”

Lance barely had time to get out of the way as Sarah stormed past him.

Fuck!Lance wasn't sure what was more infuriating, the fact that his daughter had just interrupted what could have been the second-best sex of his life—the first being what he and Kayla had just experienced upstairs—or the fact that her arrival caused his stomach to clench up with guilt.

Still, she seemed far too concerned for her friend to even notice the state of him. “Lewis called me. He told me what happened. Where is she?”

But even as she said the words, Sarah was already well on her way down the hall in the direction of the kitchen.

Chapter 13 - Kayla

Shit!Kayla's insides turned to mush the second she heard Sarah's voice. Luckily, she'd left some laundry in the basket just inside the laundry room that linked to the kitchen, and she quickly grabbed a fresh pair of underwear to yank on in the seconds before her friend arrived at the kitchen door. It was all she had time for, and it would have to do.
