Page 24 of Boss's Mate

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Within seconds, Kayla was wrapped in Sarah's arms. Her friend hugged her so tightly she felt like her eyes might pop out of her head.

“Why didn't you call me, Kay?” her friend asked, concern dripping from her voice.

Kayla looked over her friend's shoulder with a questioning expression. Lance, standing beneath the kitchen archway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed, simply shrugged.

Kayla gritted her teeth. She should have known better than to imagine he would get involved. After all, the more he said, the more likely they were to be caught. Sarah was here for her, not him, and the last thing she wanted was to draw too much attention to his being there.

“I called Mr. Leafson, umm…your dad, because well…he is a security guy, and Stan did break in here.”

The words felt clumsy on her thick tongue and she could only hope her friend didn't see how embarrassed she was as she finally released her.

Sarah looked around at her father then, eyeing him closely for the first time. Kayla held her breath, wondering what the next words out of her friend's mouth might be.

“I hope your wolf taught that bastard a lesson,” Sarah said finally, and Kayla had to catch her sigh of relief. Clearly, Sarah had assumed her father's state of undress was down to a shift. And how could Kayla blame her? If she were to have walked in on Sarah and her own father, if he were still alive, she would likely have thought the same thing in this kind of situation.

Sarah would never dream of sleeping with my dad,Kayla thought, her insides turning to liquid rather than mush. She felt sick to her stomach, and she trembled so violently that she was sure they would be able to hear her knees knocking together soon.

Lance merely huffed and shook his head. “I chased him off before I could get my hands on him.”

Sarah crossed her arms over her chest and scowled deeply. “Well, I'm here now. You can head off and go lead your team.”

“I'm not leaving Kayla here alone,” Lance blurted, and his cheeks looked almost as red as Kayla's felt.

If Sarah noticed, she didn't mention it. Instead, she countered, “I'm here now, and Stan may be a creep, but he's not a total madman. He wouldn't dream of taking on two she-wolves.”

Kayla's heart swelled at the loyal protectiveness of her friend, but it almost made her feel twice as guilty.I don't deserve you.

Lance didn't speak. Instead, he looked to Kayla. Though the words caught in her throat, Kayla said, “I think we'll be okay.”

Lance looked reluctant, though he didn't argue. His expression was tinged with discomfort and it didn't take much toguess why. The scent of sex still clotted in Kayla's own nostrils and her body still tingled where he had touched her.

“You have my number if you need me,” Lance pointed out. “I'll find him.”

And with that, Lance was gone. All Kayla heard was his picking up his boots as he left.

Almost the second the front door was closed, Sarah demanded, “What the hell happened?”

Kayla opened her mouth only to realize she had no clue where to begin.

Sarah sniffed deeply and Kayla's throat constricted. She could see the next question before it hit, though it wasn't quite as she expected. She braced herself with her hands tightened to fists.

“Did you sleep with Stan? Did he fuck you and then you came to your senses and told him to leave but he wouldn't go? What. The. Hell. Happened?”

Sarah grabbed Kayla's shoulders and shook her while she questioned her, making her feel quite dizzy.

“I most definitely did not sleep with Stan!” Kayla blurted as soon as Sarah stopped shaking her. Immediately afterward she realized her error. Maybe her friend thinking she had been weak again and let Stan back into her life was preferable to the truth.

But it was too late to go with that now, and so she quickly said, “I…I used the dating app again. I had a date over and he'd just left when I found Stan in the house. I…I didn't tell your dad that because well… I didn't want my boss thinking I sleep around.”

Silence filled the air between them. Kayla looked at Sarah. Sarah looked at Kayla. Bile rose in Kayla's throat. Sarah appeared unconvinced.

She sniffed again as if trying to decipher another scent, something to back up Kayla's story.

Shit!Kayla cursed again. She should have known better than to try and lie to a werewolf. Especially one who knew the scents of everyone who had been in that house.

“Did you finally find yourself a werewolf?” Sarah asked, her tone cold.

Kayla bit the inside of her lip and said, “Yes.”
