Page 25 of Boss's Mate

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It wasn't entirely a lie. She had certainly found herself a werewolf. She just wasn't sure her friend would approach if she knewwhichwerewolf.

“Silverdale, I assume?” Sarah questioned, and the hair on the back of Kayla's neck stood on end.

Does she really believe me?

“Of course,” Kayla ground through her teeth, her whole body aching with how tense she was.

She watched Sarah's own body relax a little but still didn't dare to breathe.

“That's why I can't quite pick out a scent, then,” Sarah said, laughing a little. She shrugged as if it were no big deal. “I thought I might be able to guess who. So, you gonna tell me or what?”

Sarah nudged her playfully and Kayla blanched.

“It's too early to kiss and tell.”

She pursed her lips, praying silently to the wolf gods for her friend to go easy on her.

Sarah looked disappointed, but she shook her head and said, “Fair enough. Well, I'll stay with you until Dad calls to tell us they've found him if you like?”

Kayla couldn't think of anything worse than spending time with her best friend knowing all she had just done.

“Actually, I'm pretty tired. I think I might just head to bed if you don't mind?”

Sarah smirked at that. “Jeez girl, did he rock your world that good?”

Kayla's heart fluttered at the reminder. “I guess he did.”

It felt so wrong talking about such things knowing the truth, but what else could she do?

“I can stay while you sleep? Keep an eye on the place.”

“No!” Kayla protested. There was no way in hell she'd sleep with Sarah here. Not with how guilty she was feeling. She would be surprised if she could sleep at all. Embarrassed, she added, “I'm not a child. I know how to lock my doors and defend myself if Stan comes back. Besides, your dad probably has half of Silverdale looking for him by now. He wouldn't be stupid enough to come back here.”

Kayla could only hope she was right. If Stan smelled another man on her, she was done for. His jealousy had always been his worst quality.

“Are you sure?” Sarah asked, crossing her arms. “I'm really not opposed to sleeping on the spare bed.”

In an attempt to act as normal as possible, Kayla chuckled and said, “We both know you prefer that mattress to your own, but really, I'll be fine. You should head home. You've got better things to be doing than babysitting me.”

“Okay, fine,” Sarah sighed and grabbed hold of Kayla again, hugging her tight. “Just make sure you call me the minute anything happens.”

“I promise I'll sleep with my phone right next to me.” That wasn't a lie. She most definitely would. She'd sleep with both it and a knife under her pillow if that was what it took to feel safe enough to sleep.

Chapter 14 - Lance

Having anticipated having to work without a secretary for the next few days (at least), Lance was surprised when he walked into the office the next morning to find Kayla awaiting him with his usual coffee and morning reports.

“Good morning, Lance,” she said, smiling as she handed him both. Though she acted normal, there was a hint of worry in her gaze that he might have missed had he not known what had happened the night before.

“Good morning, Kayla,” he responded, taking the coffee and reports. “How are you this morning?”

He watched her expression closely.

“I am well, thank you for asking. And you?”

There was too much politeness in her voice. Her smile was too wide. It unnerved Lance more than he would ever care to admit.

The way she glanced sideways made Lance follow her gaze. When he noticed Lewis at his desk just inside the door of his own office, Lance knew why she was trying her hardest to act normal. Yes, his son knew about her ex, but what he didn't know was that last night he and Kayla had crossed a line. In fact, they had crossed more than one.
