Page 29 of Boss's Mate

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“That smells like a nasty head wound,” Kayla pointed out. One sniff told her that beneath the bandages the wound had bled profusely. “What happened?”

Sarah shook her head momentarily before stiffening her neck. She ground out a gasp through clenched teeth as if it hurt to move her head. Then, finally, she explained, “I went back to your place to scout it out. I didn't want you coming home from work again to find Stan waiting for you.”

Kayla's insides tightened into knots. She should have known this had something to do with Stan.

“Like an idiot, I let him see me before I saw him,” Sarah shrugged, though the movement looked painful. “I had my hood up and he must have thought I was you, because he called your name right before he hit me over the back of the head.”

“I'll kill him with my bare hands!” Lance snarled in a way that made the healer look at him with fear and disapproval in her eyes.

“I am quite certain our alpha might have something to say about that,” Serena, the healer, stated, but Lance clearly did not hear her; he had already broken into action, and what he did made Kayla's mouth drop open in horrified shock.

Chapter 16 - Lance

The fury he felt was like nothing he had ever felt before. This man hadn't just frightened one of his employees or broken into the house of one of his romantic interests. Now, he had attacked his daughter and put her in the infirmary.

He was so angry that he couldn't even think straight. On instinct, he reached over the bed, gripped hold of Kayla's face and looked her dead in the eye. “I swear to you I am going to find this bastard and make him regret the day he was born.”

With that, he planted a hard, almost bruising kiss upon her forehead, hoping that even in his anger he might be able to offer her some comfort.

It was only when he pulled back and saw his daughter's horrified expression that he realized exactly what he had done.

Fuck!His gut churned and he bit the inside of his lip, wondering what to say.

Instead, he turned on his heel and stormed from the room. Whatever consequence was coming his way, it could wait. First, Stan had to be dealt with. Sarah could kick his ass later when she was feeling better.

It was only at the door of the infirmary room he dared to stop and look back. He had never been a coward before. He wasn't about to become one now.

Both Sarah and Kayla were staring at him open-mouthed; even Serena looked mightily uncomfortable, though it was clear from the confusion on her face she truly had no idea what was going on.

He was about to growl something about how they would talk about all of this later when his phone buzzing in his pants pocket saved him.

The three she-wolves continued to stare at him, though Sarah's expression had become somewhat more of a glower.

“It's Lewis,” he said, hoping that was enough to silence them all. Before any of them could say a word, he slipped from the room and answered the call. “Lewis, what is it?”

“I've had all reports back, and though his scent is all over the place, nobody seems able to pin him down,” Lewis explained, and though he sounded frustrated, he wasn't nearly as angry as Lance.

“That's not good enough!” he snarled down the phone, his hand tightening on the handset until he nearly crushed it. “I want this guy found now before he hurts anyone else.”

“What's happened?” Lewis demanded. “Is Kayla okay? He didn't break in again, did he? I'll have a patrol sent straight over to her house now.”

Lance barely stopped himself from scolding his son for not having already done more. This was his fault as much as it was Lewis’s. They had both failed the she-wolves in their lives enough.

“He attacked Sarah,” Lance snapped instead, and before his son could question him, he added, “She is okay, but she's pretty banged up in the infirmary. Kayla is with her. They'll be safe at the manor until we catch this guy.”

Lewis’s tone turned deadly. “What do you want me to do?”

“I want every guy we have out there looking for him,” Lance said. “I don't care who has excuses for being off today. Iwant them all in and brought up to speed. Nobody is to rest until this guy is caught. He's a danger to Silverdale.”

“You got it, boss,” Lewis responded, “Shall I call Dash for extra manpower?”

Lance, already on the march down the hall toward Dash's office, shook his head. “I've got the alpha covered.”

With that, he ended the call and slammed his fist against Dash's office door.

He was just about to do so again when someone behind him said, “If you're looking for Dash, he's out.”

Lance turned on Max, Dash's second, and hissed, “Where?”
