Page 30 of Boss's Mate

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The big, burly werewolf scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. “How should I know? He's the alpha. I'm just the guy who cleans up his messes.”

Lance growled and turned his attention back to his phone. Max might have had some power where Silverdale was concerned, but right now Lance needed the head honcho.

Searching Dash's number, he connected the call and put the phone to his ear so hard it made his eardrum hurt.


“Dash, I need every man and woman you've got searching Silverdale for a lion shifter.”

Lance knew it was dangerous to make demands of the alpha, even if he was twice the Silverdale leader's age, but in that moment all he could think about was getting his hands on the man who had scared Kayla and hurt his daughter.

He gave a quick and brief rundown of what had happened and the danger that faced the community before he finished, “He's a danger to us all.”

“Why didn't you tell me any of this before?” Dash seethed. “When Lewis called me yesterday and said someone had broken into Kayla's house I thought he was exaggerating.”

Lance scoffed angrily at that. He couldn't exactly blame the alpha. There weren't many in Silverdale brave or stupid enough to commit a crime against a werewolf, or a crime in general for that matter.

“He wasn't exaggerating, and he is more dangerous than even we imagined,” Lance continued. “We need him found before anyone else gets hurt.”

“All my resources are at your disposal,” Dash assured him. “I'm out of town, but find Max and tell him you have my complete permission for anything you need. I'll be back as soon as I can.”

“I'm here with him now!” Max called from where he was listening. Lance gritted his teeth. He didn't really need anything from either of them. All he needed was to get his bare hands on that damn lion shifter. The minute he did, he would feel better.

“I'll bring him in as soon as I get my hands on him,” he vowed to the alpha. Silently, he added to himself,if I don't kill him first.

Chapter 17 - Kayla

The look on Sarah's face set Kayla's teeth on edge. Her heart pounded so hard she was certain her best friend could hear it. The tingling on her forehead told her she hadn't imagined what had just occurred no matter how much she wished that was all it was.

Lance had just kissed her, on the forehead, right in front of his daughter! More than that, the father of her oldest and best friend had just basically outed them in a millisecond to the very last person who should have found out about whatever it was that was going on between them.

What the hell was he thinking?Kayla thought, her insides twisting into painful knots.

Sarah's face wrinkled into an expression that was a mixture of anger and confusion as she asked, “What the hell was that?”

Kayla's insides threatened to bottom out. Nausea clawed at her throat. She was barely able to find her voice. “Maybe you should rest and we will talk about this when you are feeling better.”Whateverthisis, she added silently to herself, biting the inside of her lip.

The flash in her friend's eye told her it wasn't going to be anywhere near that easy.

For the first time in her life, she actually wished her friend was injured enough not to ask questions. And that made her feel guiltier than anything else. Sarah was her everything, practically her sister, and yet the way Sarah was looking at her right now, anyone could be forgiven for imagining that they might actually be enemies.

“Explain,” Sarah barked through a clenched jaw. “Now!”

The room suddenly felt too small. Kayla's throat constricted and she struggled to breathe.

“I…I shall leave the two of you to talk,” Serena said, dipping her head as if she couldn't meet either of their gazes after what had just happened. Being one of the members of the pack, she was no stranger to Sarah and Lance's relationship, nor Sarah and Kayla's, for that matter. It didn't take much for the healer to put two and two together. And though werewolves had a very nasty habit of jumping in head first and coming to the wrong conclusions thanks to their emotional and aggressive natures, this time Serena's conclusions were likely right.

Kayla and Lance had fucked up. They had jeopardized all that they both loved and for what? Sure, the sex had been absolutely mind-blowing, and just being in Lance's arms had made Kayla feel as if nothing—not even Stan—could hurt her, but was that enough to risk losing the truest friend she had ever had?

“Sarah, look, I didn't mean for any of this to happen,” Kayla said. She blushed and turned her gaze to a loose thread on her t-shirt, her fingers twiddling it in an attempt to distract herself from her friend's expression.

“I don't even know whatany of thisis!” Sarah pointed out. Her harsh tone made Kayla cringe.

With a gulp, Kayla ran her fingers through her hair and debated whether or not to occupy her hands with plaiting it. Yes, it would look stupid, but surely her best friend would know why she was doing it. It wouldn't be the first time that Sarah had seen her looking uncomfortable, though ordinarily, outside influences were the cause.

“Kayla, I need the truth,” Sarah insisted, and the way she looked at Kayla made everything so much harder. She could practically see her friend hoping that she had the wrong idea. Kayla wished so desperately that she could tell her she had, but if she were to do that, she would only be lying.

She looked down at her hands and saw how badly they trembled, then pursed her lips.
