Page 27 of A Strict School

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“You really haven’t,” Storm says, and takes off running.


“Whatever possessed you to say such things?”

Jane makes the inquiry while Penners stands in the corner of the room, her hands on her head, her skirt tucked into the waistband of thong panties that leave very red and well-marked cheeks bare. This young lady will not be sitting for quite some time. She has received, quite literally, the caning of a lifetime.

“The new girl told me it was the best way to avoid punishment,” Penners sniffs.

“The new girl?”

“Yes. The Australian.”

Jane sighs inwardly. The lower half of the planet may as well be one big lump according to some of these people.

“Storm told you to be rude?”

“Storm? Is that her name? Anyway, yes. She said I should make sure you know your place.”

Jane digests that sentence in all its wickedness.

“Did she now?”

Penelope nods with a little sob. “She told me to be sure to disobey you, and that you never actually beat anybody.”

So Storm has been out and about undermining her professional reputation. Jane considers whether Storm might not be in dire need of being made an example. Perhaps it is time the school at large saw a proper demonstration of Jane’s abilities.

“You can be sure to assure your peers that is not the case, can’t you, Penelope?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Penny sniffs. She is much chastised, and clearly feeling very sorry for herself.

Jane is slightly amused by what Storm clearly considers to be a prank, but she will certainly be taking the girl to task over it.

For the moment she is satisfied with her work so far. There is something about having a well chastised, properly punished girl in view that makes Jane feel as though all is right in the world. The chaos that sometimes seems to pervade every bit of it is kept at bay.

Things are finally beginning to settle, Jane muses. She has control of the situation. Soon she will deal with Storm, and the matter will be fully in hand…


The booming voice of a man makes Penny startle in her corner, and even Jane finches at the sudden loud sound which comes from outside the window.

Her gaze drawn to the window, she stares in disbelief as Storm goes sprinting past, followed in hot pursuit by Hannes.

There is no doubt he would overhaul her quickly in a straight sprint, but clearly having spent her youth running from those she has annoyed, Storm zigs and zags, quicker around the corners than the older, bulkier male. She is back up and inside the chateau in a second, and the sound of pounding feet on wood floors in the mid-distance indicates that the pursuit continues through the center of the main school building, and then out the back door.

Jane steps out into the hall just in time to see the headmistress doing the very same.

“What is happening, Miss Strict?” Frau Lotte gives Jane a look as if Jane is somehow responsible for the kerfuffle.

“I could not tell you, I’m afraid.” Jane says. She leans back into the room and addresses the student.

“You stay there, Penelope,” Jane says. “Do not move an inch until I return.”

She shuts the door to the punishment room and follows the sudden flow of curious students and faculty outside. When she looks up, she sees that Storm has gathered quite an audience. Half the school is at the windows above, watching this little show.

The fountain in the garden at the rear of the school swiftly becomes the final showdown between Storm and the guard. It is an installation wide enough that it provides a nice obstacle in which a wildly misbehaved girl might be able to circle back and forth for some time without being apprehended.

Having put the water feature between Hannes and herself, Storm takes a second to catch her breath. She pauses, partially bent over, breathing heavily. Sensing an opportunity, Hannes bolts not around, but straight through the fountain, feet instantly wet, splashing everywhere.
