Page 81 of Pity Party

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I push the button to turn the car on before pulling out onto the street. “Are you going to stay on” I ask.

“Just because Tim and I are over doesn’t mean that I’m not still looking for a life partner.”

I’m both happy and upset to hear her say that. On one hand, sheshouldkeep dating, it’s not like I have anything to offer her. On the other hand, I don’t want any other guy to touch her.I know—jerk, party of one.

When we get to the parking lot at the beach, I ask, “Do you want to sit in the car or go for a walk?”

“I always want to walk on the beach.” She’s out of the car and slipping off her sandals in no time.

“I like your dress,” I tell her. She looks beyond sexy in the old mini dress she borrowed from Terra.

“Which dress? The first or this one?”

“Both. You look great in everything I’ve seen you in.”

“That’s a nice thing to say. Thank you.”

I know it sounds insecure, but I’m hoping she’ll return the compliment. When she doesn’t, I reach out to take her hand. Leading the way to the beach, I ask, “Do you come here often?”

“As often as I can. I work all day, so that kind of gets in the way of playing.”

“Do you think you’ll always stay in the bridal business?”

“I don’t know. I used to think it was the best job in the world, but I’ve been having my doubts lately.”

“Because you’re not married?”

“As embarrassing as it is to admit, yes. I’m getting tired of helping other women plan their big day when mine doesn’t appear to be anywhere on the horizon.”

“What else would you do?” I ask.

“I thought when I got married that I’d quit work to raise my kids. My mom worked when I was little, and I really missed having her around.”

We stop walking near a large boulder by the shoreline. Pulling her toward it, we sit down. “I hope your dreams come true.”

“What areyourdreams?” she asks me. I sense she’s trying to figure out if there’s any way our fantasies might overlap. The thought causes my chest to constrict.

“I don’t know,” I tell her. “I used to think they were one thing, and then that changed so dramatically that I’ve kind of given up on having dreams of my own. Maybe someday when Sammy goes off to college, I’ll revisit that. But until then, she comes first.”

Melissa leans back. “I think that maybe our desire to harness our dreams is what actually creates conflict in our lives.”


“Meaning I think we need to just let go and trust the universe will provide.”

“Yes, but when you’ve already tried that and it hasn’t worked out, it makes a person gun-shy.”

“It really does,” she agrees. And with that she turns her head until she’s looking right into my eyes. A world of thought appears to be swirling around that beautiful brain of hers, but the one she shares surprises me.

“I would really like to kiss you. Do you think that would be all right?”



I should not be kissing Jamie. I shouldnotshouldnotshouldnotshouldnot. But I am, and I love everything about it. The feel of his velvety full lips on mine, the spicy scent of him, heck I even love the taste of him, and neither of us has brushed our teeth since supper. Jamie calls to me, and darn if I don’t intend on answering that call.

By the time our contact deepens, I’m sitting on his lap straddling his legs. I’m ready to throw caution to the wind and declare my affection for him. I’m not sure exactly what I’d say, but somewhere in my brain I hear the words, “Take me now, you big, strong, strapping, hunk of a man!”
