Page 54 of Pity Pact

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“Having a camera crew in the kitchen during dinner service could be tricky,” I tell her.

She shrugs. “We won’t have a full crew, just one camera.”

“Okay. So, we’ll stick to the original menu?”

“Why don’t we let Jake decide. Maybe he can showcase one of his specialties.”

“I suppose that’s okay. As long as we have the ingredients on hand.” Standing up, I add, “Let me know when Jake gets here, and I’ll give you two a tour of the kitchen.”

“Will do.”

While I’m relieved there appears to be a solution to our problem, I’m also nervous. I do not like it when things don’t go according to plan.



I’m having a nice breakfast with Cami and Brittany when my cell phone rings. Checking the number, I see that it’s the one Trina gave me for emergency calls. “Hello?”

“Paige.” Trina sounds excited. “What are you up to?” She sounds all girlfriendy, like she’s about to ask me to go prom dress shopping with her. Little does she know I have no experience with such purchases.

So I tell her, “I’m eating pancakes.”

“Any chance you can come into the club early today? Like maybe in an hour?”


“The chef is out sick tonight. As such, Jake—one of our singles—is cooking. And I got to thinking maybe you’d come in and make some of your gold ribbon peanut butter cookies for us.”

“You want me to come in and bake cookies?”

“I was just telling Tim that we like to showcase our singles’ talents whenever we can. I figure we’ll show Jake cooking and you baking. What do you think?”

I don’t recall meeting Jake last night, and Iwonder which bachelor he is. I hope he’s the tall blond with the longish hair. That guy was super cute. “Sure,” I tell her. “I’ll be there.”

“Good. Bring your clothes for tonight.” She reminds me, “We’ll be playing games, so no tight dresses or short skirts. Think comfort.”

After hanging up, I tell Cami and Brittany what’s up. Cami sounds hurt as she asks, “Why didn't they call me? I’mincatering.”

Brittany says, “I thought you were a manager, not a cook.”

“I still know my way around the kitchen.”

“Do you want me to call Trina back and see if she wants you to come in too?” I’m secretly hoping she says no. If Jake is the cutie I think he might be, I don’t need competition for his attention.

“No, that’s okay.” I get the feeling Cami wants me to call anyway, but this is one of those times I’m going to look out for my own best interests.

“I’m off then. I’ll see you two later.” I practically sprint out the door before she can change her mind. I like Cami, but I have enough girlfriends. I’m doing this show to find love.

Hurrying home, I change my clothes before absentmindedly grabbing an outfit for tonight. Then I rush over to the club. I see Tim as soon as I walk in.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m making peanut butter cookies.”

“Why?” It seems Trina didn’t run this by him.

I shrug my shoulders and tell him, “Because Trina asked me to.” Then I inquire, “Is Jake here yet?”
