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I’ve just left the home of one such teenager, one that I’m sure is about to be grounded for the rest of the summer, when I get another call.

“Wild,” I say, responding to dispatch.

“I need you to respond to four-three-three Sixth Avenue.Attempted robbery report.”

“On my way, two minutes out,” I reply and hit my siren.I know that house.

That’s where Summer Quinn lives.

I pull up to a stop, hurry to the front door, and ring the bell.When Summer flings it open, her blue eyes are full of tears.

“Oh, God, Chase.”She sniffs and wipes at a tear.“Someone tried to break into my house.”

“Tell me what happened.”

“I heard someone jiggling my door handle.”She gestures to the front door.“So, I grabbed my gun and yelled at them.”

“Wait, youwhat?”

“I’m no victim,” she says and firms her chin.Jesus, she’s gorgeous with those tears in her blue eyes yet looking so fierce.“I scared them right off.”

“Do you have video on your front porch?”

“No.”Her face crumples again.“I’ll get it installed in the morning, for sure.It’s probably just kids, right?Because Bitterroot Valley is so safe.I’ve never heard of anyone breaking and entering around here, and I’ve been here for almost five years.”

“It doesn’t happen often,” I assure her.“And yeah, probably kids.”

I’m not so sure, but there’s no reason to scare her even more than she already is.

“Are you okay to stay here tonight?I’ll dust for fingerprints and look around outside, but without video, I don’t know how much I can do.”

Summer swallows hard before nodding.“I can stay with a friend tonight.”

I almost blurt out that she can stay at my place, but I refrain.

“Don’t worry,” I assure her.“It’s going to be okay.”

“I’m sure.”I pat her shoulder, and she visibly shrinks out of my reach.It makes me wonder who hurt her, and it also makes me want to punch the dude in the face.“You get your things, and I’ll get those prints.”

“Thank you.”She sniffs again and looks like she wants to say something else, but then changes her mind.“Thanks.”

She offers me a brave smile and turns to go pack her things.

I’m determined to figure Summer out.Because as strongly as I denied it to my sister, Iamdrawn to her, and I can’t seem to shake the urge to be with her.

Summer Quinn is irresistible.

I don’t know who would want to break into her house, but I’ll get to the bottom of it.I’m determined to keep her, and Bitterroot Valley, safe.

