Page 23 of Twisted

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His eyes flickered over Karenna. Her nipples stiffened. Was it her imagination or had he directed that at her? Again she remembered that shadow at the window watching Tim fuck her. Maybe it had been Dax, checking to make sure none of the junior counselors were skipping out on swimming/sailing. A low, warm arousal loosened in her body.

The junior counselors got to their feet and began the walk back to their cabins, grumbling about losing their beer. But Karenna couldn’t stop wondering what tomorrow would hold.

The next day each of the junior counselors received notes informing them of their scheduled meeting with a senior counselor. Karenna smirked to see that she was meeting privately with Dax, just after dinner. She already knew from Tim and the other junior counselors what their punishments were—a ban on campfires for a week. “It’s goddamned ridiculous,” Tim grumbled. “You think they weren’t drinking when they were junior counselors?”

Karenna was so nervous she could barely eat a bite at dinner. Afterward she ran to change into her sexiest shorts, along with a white cotton camisole that showed off her full, round breasts. After brushing out her long hair, she walked down to the campground office where Dax was waiting.

He was leaning over the desk, reviewing reports. His dark gaze lifted disdainfully. “Shut the door. Stand over here, in front of me.”

She obeyed. She felt even more nervous standing next to him, his tanned face level with her crotch. “Word has it, you didn’t attend swimming/sailing yesterday. Is that true?”

“I—” She tried to think of a way out of this. “You’re right. I didn’t. It was just the one time.”

“That’s a much more serious infraction than the beer last night. So your punishment will be a little different.”

Now his dark, implacable eyes met hers. She knew that he’d been the one watching her get fucked yesterday. That—just maybe—he’d even raided their campfire last night deliberately to set up this punishment.

“Punish me however you see fit,” she said. Her voice was trembling and, god help her, her panties were soaked. “I’ll do anything you tell me to.”

A cruel smirk played around his lips. Almost as if to say, it’s not going to be that easy, kid. “I’m not even sure why you have a job here,” he went on. “You’re supposed to be teaching the campers how to sail, how to identify plants in the woods, how to become strong and self-reliant. Instead you’re slipping off with your boyfriend.”

“I’m sorry.” She meant it, too. Dax vibrated with a dark, menacing energy.

“Are you listening?”

“Yes, yes!”

He stood up, all six feet of him looming over her. “Then let’s get going. You have a wilderness test to pass.”

He led her down toward the marina, where the sailboats glowed in the deepening dusk. No one was down here at this hour and she fantasized briefly that he would push her into the marina office and rip off her camisole. She couldn’t take her eyes from his hard thighs. Instead he led her past the boats and up a dirt path into a part of woods the campers weren’t allowed to enter.

He stopped her and pulled out a black blindfold. “First test,” he said casually. “Your tracking skills. Right now you’re not going to see where we go, but later I’ll expect you to trace the same trail.”

Ridiculous. There was no requirement for junior counselors to be expert trackers. “Okay...” She swallowed as his amber eyes met hers. He slid the blindfold over her eyes. Just like that, the world went dark.

“How...?” How was she supposed to follow him blindfolded? But Dax lifted her wrists and began tying them together.

Oh, god. This really was going exactly where she’d hoped.

“What kind of a knot is that?” he asked. “You’re supposed to teach the different knots used in sailing—what one did I just use on you?”

“I have no idea,” she protested.

Dax snorted and yanked the rope, tugging her forward. She followed behind him closely, a leashed pet, bumping into him on occasion. She could tell from the rising insect choir that night was falling in the woods and her vulnerability made her feel scared and horny and excited. Then Dax stopped her again. He pressed something into her hands—a plant.

“What is that?” he asked. “Junior counselors should be able to identify the plant life of the woods.”

She groaned. “I have no idea, but it better not be poison ivy.”

She knew immediately she hadn’t been deferential enough. Dax yanked on the rope. “Okay,” he said. “I knew you were a disobedient counselor, but I had no idea you’d need this much discipline. You are going to be retrained, starting now. Lesson one: obey your senior counselor.”

Suddenly her tied wrists were rising over her head. Dax was tying her to something overhead, probably a tree branch. She blushed at the way this position thrust out her breasts.

“Now,” he said, circling her, “as your senior counselor, when I tell you to do something, you do something. Without question. Understand?”

She nodded breathlessly. He moved her long hair over her shoulders. “Now,” he said. “I want you to tell me exactly what you were doing yesterday during sailing/swimming.”

She gulped. “I...I was with Tim.”
