Page 62 of Never Say Never

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“Please,” I said, knowing that wasn’t enough. She wouldn’t be satisfied. She’s never satisfied.

“Please what?”

“Please do what you said.” I hated myself for being unable to speak the words.

She sighed. I heard her heels on the floor. She was leaving the room, leaving me, and suddenly I started to feel frantic. I began to babble. “Please, Ma’am. Please, Mistress. Do those things to me. Hurt me. Fuck me. Take me. There’s no shame,” I continued, words tumbling. “No shame.”

She returned. She got so close to me. I felt the crop again, felt her running the tip between my asscheeks, felt her probing me.

“You’re so sweet when you lie,” she said, and then she began.


24/7 —


Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.


You don’t have to be a writer of erotica to live a kinky life. You only have to possess an imagination. That’s the sound bite, the one fortune-cookie wisp of wisdom I hope to leave with you. When you start to explore what you want—what you need—you can turn your whole world upside down. And that’s a good thing. Thinking about feeling sexy all of the time is surreal. Imagine dressing for yourself and for your lover, finding the toys and the tools that arouse the two (or more) of you.

Soon you’ll realize that truth might not necessarily be stranger than fiction…but it definitely can be just as fucking sexy. In fact, I think real sex—real-life sex with all the unexpected qualities that go with it—is far more erotic than a make-believe world.

Take risks. There are two words to tattoo onto your forearm. If you’ve never watched porn, rent an X-rated movie together. If you’ve never tried a toy, visit a sex shop (in life or online). Read each other smut out loud. Leave sexy notes (where you know the intended reader will find them). Give into your desires. Talk dirty. All the time. Make double entendres. Then triple them.

Feel your heart race. Feel your body respond.
