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“You are fucking incredible, Dakota,” he says on a long, hard thrust that has me reaching back for the headboard. “You’re amazing. Perfect. You were made for me. Don’t you touch that headboard; you hold on to me.” Another powerful pump has me crying out, squeezing my eyes tight, but I do as he says.

“That’s it. You hold on to me. That’s my girl.”

He fucks me with a quickening rhythm until we’re both sweating, our bodies slapping and sliding together. I don’t have a clue how he’s even finding words. “You don’t even know howbrave and amazing you are. I know you. I knew you the second I saw you at the diner.”

My brain turns to mush when he reaches down between us to strum my clit. Then Dean somehow finds another untouched spot deep, deep inside by hiking up my other leg, his shoulder hooked under my sweaty knee as he pumps, and pumps, and pumps. “You think you’re weak, but you’re so strong. You’ve got me wrapped. I’m gonna make you mine, you hear me? I’m gonna make you so damn happy if you let me.”

The strums to my overstimulated clit are working me over, building me up to another climax I didn’t know I had in me.

Oh god, are we fucking or are we making love? It’s somehow both, but it doesn’t seem possible. “I’m gonna make you my wife…the mother of my babies…god, you’re so soft…not gonna last…”

I come apart with him buried deep inside, my body seizing as I cry out.

“That’s my girl. Oh shit, baby, you feel so good, so soft…and so…tight!”

His release slams into him with a roar and a final thrust that rattles my bones, my brain, my heart. The surging climax spills into me. He explodes as I grip him, milking his cock.

He buries his face in my neck, calling out my name.


“Dean. I’ve got you.”


“I’m yours.”

He chokes out a laugh. “Good girl.”



The pieces fit together like we were made for each other.

Dakota settles against my chest for a long nap, both of us having silenced our phones. I contentedly hold her to me, and the steady rise and fall of her curves are a balm to my soul.

She feels like she’s always been there. I remember again what Rhys said about her being a runner and all, but there’s no way I’m letting that happen.

I was a grumpy ass before she came into my life. I might still be, but for her, I’ll let in the sunshine.

After a couple of hours, I get up without waking her, tug on some pajama pants, and sneak off to the kitchen. Not knowing what she likes to eat, I settle on my favorite food: “breakfast for dinner.”

While the bacon heats in the oven, I fire up the waffle maker and check my phone. There are two messages apiece from Forrest and Rhys, asking routine questions about the store,about tonight’s game, and also congratulating me on finally doing something good for myself.

I’m happy they approve of Dakota.

Moments later, Dakota emerges from my bedroom, and I almost drop my platter of waffles: She’s wearing one of my flannel shirts and nothing else. The hem falls to the middle of her gorgeous curvy thighs, and her unharnessed nipples peek through the fabric.

“Hey,” she says. “It’s my job to feed you.”

I pull her close to me and dip my head down for a taste of her sweet lips.

“You already did that,” I say.

She laughs against my lips. “You’re a filthy boy.”

“You love me.”
