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I heard myself groan as pressure pushed into my chest.

Was it my family who’d orchestrated it? Someone she knew and wanted to hurt her because of the murders she committed? How did they know to look on my floor? Did they witness us going inside?

So many question began flooding my mind, but nothing would come in the form of an answer. I was drowning in both theories and what I assumed was my own blood. I was dying, and from my guess, it wasn’t the first time tonight. Was I going to make it out of this room alive and be able to search for my slave, or would she be lost forever?

Chapter 11


“Rise, baby, and give your Master a kiss.”

I stood, racing for Zain and throwing myself in his arms. My legs ached and my knees were numb from kneeling for the last hour, waiting for him to arrive from one of his missions. The details had been vague when he left, but I knew it was going to be dangerous, just like everything surrounding him.

My arms locked around his neck and I pulled myself as close as I could possibly get. Not two hours before, I’d been covered in blood. Saul had a new slave, one he was breaking, one night at a time. This time, it had been a broken nose and one that seemed to take me forever to get to stop bleeding. And, I’d bled, too. But not from his uncle. Not that night.

The blowout that had happened after the first incident could be heard all the way in our room. Even Zain’s father got in on the yelling, but when it was said and done, I was granted permission to help those who were wounded. I was off limits to every male in the house and as long as it was to give my service, I was able to go as I pleased, but I paid dearly for it.

Rachel’s crescent shaped nail marks were embedded all down the length of my forearms. When Zain reached up to remove my locked wrists from behind his neck and I winced, he knew.

“How bad was it?”

I stepped back, letting him take off the bullet proof vest and belt he wore that carried his weapons.

“Broken nose. Bruises to the face.”

He shook his head and his jaw clenched repeatedly.

“How was your night?” Fatigue was settling in, but I was far from ready for bed.

“Went pretty smoothly. Transaction made. Easy deal.”

My frown was instantaneous. He was never so vague.

“Oh. That’s it?”

His eyes darted to me, but went down to the button of his pants as he began taking them off.


“Are you seeing anyone else when you leave? Like…a woman?”

I swallowed hard, hating that my insecurities had me speaking my fears. Zain’s eyebrows drew in as he turned his attention to me.

“What in the world would make you think that?”

All I could do was shrug.

He sighed and cocked his head to the side. “Does it look like I need another woman? I obviously want you.”

His cock was thick and long. So hard and ready for me. Embarrassed, I turned to the side and lowered my head. “We’ve had sex multiple times in one night. You could easily fuck someone else and come back here to me.”

Slowly, he moved forward. I could feel his dominance pushing against my skin like a living thing.

“I’m disappointed in your doubt of me. Have I ever given you reason to believe I’d be unfaithful to you? Have I not catered to you? Cherished and protected you to the best of my ability?”

“You have.”

