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"Only what you think I need to know to protect her," I say. Anything beyond that, I want to hear from her lips. Her story is hers to tell. I appreciate Fifth for digging, but I'm not interested in what he found. I doubt she'd appreciate knowing I heard it from him either.

"Keep her close," he warns me. "The Savages are dangerous, and your girl is worth money. She's made a small fortune for herself in the gaming market. I highly doubt they'll come after her and the baby but keep her close just in case."

"Thanks, brother," I say, appreciative as hell. If the Savages think they're coming after her, they better think again. We don't have to break the law to be a problem. Every man in this MC can bury them without spilling a drop of blood. We have the type of connections they lose sleep thinking about at night…federal agents, the secret service, Supreme Court Justices, royalty.

I don't think they'll be a problem though. At least not for Samara. If they were hanging on to Siobhan because she was pregnant, they were doing it for Scout's father. With him dead, Scout means nothing to any of them. There's no reason for them to come after her or Samara.

I'll still be keeping them close though.

"Fill Cash in, will you?" I ask Fifth, climbing to my feet.

"Will do," he agrees.

I pause, turning back to him. "Did you look up any of her games?"

He jerks his chin in a nod.

"Text me the names of them, will you?"

A wolfish grin crosses his face.

I pretend not to see it. Nosy bastard.

"You've been naughty."

"Ahh!" Samara shouts, flinging her phone into the air.

I chuckle, watching as her hand flies to her heart, and she ducks, dodging her phone as it drops back down, landing at her feet with a thunk.

"Stop doing that!" she yells, slamming her hands down on her hips to glare at me. She looks angelic with her dark hair up in a messy bun, wispy pieces floating freely around her heart-shaped face. "Jesus, Tate!" And then she seems to realize that I'm actually here instead of in Silver Spoon Falls where I'm supposed to be. Her eyes light up as they prowl across my bare chest, her irritated expression softening. "You're here."

"I am," I say, tossing my phone on the bedside table and then jack-knifing up from the bed. I prowl across the room toward her, my cock turning to steel the closer I get. "Did you miss me?"

"What are you doing here?" She cranes her head back to look at me.

"I decided I like this bed more than my other bed," I mutter, reaching out to tap her nose. Truth is, I intended to go to my place in Silver Spoon Falls when I left the clubhouse…but I didn't. I drove straight here instead, breaking every speed limit along the way. The thought of letting her sleep alone tonight didn't appeal to me. I'll wake up early in the morning and make the drive back. Seeing the softness in her eyes right now is more than worth the lack of sleep.

"I think you like the girl sharing this bed," she says, her mouth curving into a sweet smile.

"Oh, I definitely like the girl sharing this bed," I growl, pulling her into my arms. "Especially when she's moaning my name in her sleep.Tate. Tate. Oh, Tate."

"I do not sound like that."

"You do," I whisper, pressing my mouth to hers.

"Do not."

"Less arguing, more kissing."


She kisses me when I growl, her soft lips melting against mine. Fuck, she tastes like those hard candies my mom used to keep in her purse for her models. She said it made them less irritable when a shoot ran long. Xavier and I stole them constantly. They were sweet and tangy. Samara's mouth is more addictive than they were.

I stroke her tongue with mine until we're both panting and then reluctantly break away. She sways in my arms, her cheeks flushed pink. Her lashes flutter, her gold eyes opening. They're soft and warm, full of liquid desire.

"You were at the hospital late," I murmur, thrusting my hand into her hair. I gently grab a handful, pulling slightly. Her eyes gloss over, her lips parting. "Is everything okay?"

"F-fine," she says. "I was just visiting with Scout."
