Page 27 of Prince of Carnage

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My heart pounds in my chest as I remember the heat of his breath against my skin, the sharp sting of his teeth sinking into my flesh. I crave it, even as fear nips at the edge of my desire.

"Be careful," I remind myself, echoing Isabella's warning. But, what about being happy?

A bitter laugh escapes me. Happiness seems like a distant dream when I'm caught in this whirlwind of passion and danger.

"Sleep," I order myself, willing my mind to finally quiet down. The darkness around me envelopes me as I drift off, my dreams filled with the echoes of my own desires – and the haunting memories of Constantino.

Chapter Fifteen

For the last several fuckin' days, I've been tryin' to keep my mind on business. Tonight's meeting with the guys who still support me and the family is all that should matter right now. But since Evelyn left, it's like my brain's stuck in a loop, playing back every steamy moment we shared. Her blue eyes flashing with abandon, her soft skin under my fingertips. It drives me mad, because I don't have time for this pussy-whipped crap.

"Get your shit together, man," I mutter to myself, leaning against my car outside the safe house. I watch as the guys filter in, one by one. Some of them I recognize, others not so much. I know I can't trust everyone here, but loyalty's hard to come by these days.

My phone buzzes, ripping me away from thoughts of Evelyn.

We're ready.

That's all it says. Simple and to the point. I shove my phone back into my pocket and take a deep breath. Time to focus on what really matters.

Stepping into the dimly lit room, I feel the weight of their gazes. Sebastian stands next to me, his back straight, and clears his throat. "Alright, fellas, Constantino here's got something to explain."

A burly man jumps to his feet, eyes burning with anger. "Why the fuck did you kill Charlie? Huh? You think we should just let it slide that you offed a made man?"

"Take a breath," I say with a chuckle, my green eyes narrowing at him. "Charlie was plotting against us. He planned to take out Primo, my own brother. So tell me – what choice would you make?"

I watch as the truth sinks in, the tension in the room easing ever so slightly. But there's more that needs to be said.

"Listen up," I continue. "The Irish are trying to take over this city, and I don't intend to let that happen. We aren't gonna be second to any other family, even if it means a war." I pause, my voice turning cold. "They've turned our own against us – Carmine, Enzo... may they rest in peace," I chuckle, knowing just what happened to their bodies. "But I'm not letting the Westies get away with that shit."

The room is silent for a moment, everyone processing my words. I can see it in their eyes – the fire reigniting, the loyalty to our family name resurging. It’s a damn good feeling.

"Enough talk," I think. "Time to hunt."

As I look around the room, I can tell they're ready to fight, to stand with me against the ones who've wronged us. They understand the stakes.

"Let's send those Irish bastards a message they won't forget," I say, clenching my fists. The men around me echo my sentiment, and I can feel the energy in the room shift.

"Alright, gents," I say, locking eyes with each man in the room. "I'm asking for your support to restore the Maldonado family name and put those Irish fucks back where they belong." My gaze drifts to Sebastian, who gives me a nod of encouragement.

"Let's vote on it then," Sebastian says, his voice commanding respect. "Do you support Constantino as the new head of the Maldonado family?"

One by one, they raise their hands or mutter an "Aye" as Sebastian counts them off. It's almost a clean sweep until we reach the last guy. He hesitates, and I recognize him – some troublemaker from years ago. What the hell was his name?

"Hey, you," I say, pointing at him. "You got something to say, spit it out."

"Constantino, huh?" he sneers, standing up. "Why should we follow you? You fled, leaving us to deal with this mess. We need someone competent. Someone ruthless." The room shifts uneasily, but I can't help but smirk.

"Ruthless, you say?" I retort, my hand sliding into my jacket. "That what you want?"

"Damn straight," he replies, puffing out his chest. That's all the confirmation I need.

In one swift motion, I pull out my gun and shoot him dead, right between the eyes. The sound echoes through the room, followed by stunned silence. Blood splatters across the floor, a gruesome reminder of the price of disloyalty. The others shift nervously, but I just stare at his lifeless body, letting the message sink in.

The room hangs heavy with silence, the air charged and thick with tension. I can practically feel their fear, their shock at what just went down. But Sebastian, ever the loyal friend, steps in to break the spell.

"Well, it seems like the vote is unanimous then," he says, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. A few of the guys chuckle nervously, nodding in agreement. They know better than to argue now.

"Good," I say, my voice low and dangerous. "I won't let our family be disrespected any longer."
