Page 33 of Prince of Carnage

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"Come out, come out, wherever you are," I growl back, feeling the heat of desire rising within me. I know she's close now, and my resolve to finish this game and move on from her only strengthens.

I focus on the rustling of leaves and the snapping of twigs, trying to pinpoint her location. She's quick, but I'm quicker.

I finally catching sight of her. Before she can react, I'm already closing the distance between us. We lock eyes for a brief moment, and I see the mixture of fear and excitement that fills her gaze.

"Found you," I exclaim. The moment my fingers wrap around her arm, she fights back like a wildcat, claws and all. I didn't expect this much resistance. She twists and turns, slipping from my grip, but not before I tear her shirt in the process. The sound of ripping fabric only adds fuel to the fire burning inside me.

"Let go!" she snarls.

"Feisty one, aren't you?" I hiss under my breath, watching her disappear into the darkness once more. I've never felt so alive, so wrapped up in a single experience. This woman, with her fierce determination and tantalizing scent, has me completely captivated. "Run, little rabbit," I call out after her. "I'll catch you again soon."

I take off after her again. The thrill of the chase is irresistible, each step bringing me closer to what I desire most: her submission.

My heart races as I track her movements through the forest, delighting in the way she attempts to hide from me. But I'm notabout to let her escape again. This time, I'm going to be more careful, more calculated. My lust for her consumes me, and I know I won't be satisfied until I have her beneath me.

"Where are you, little rabbit?" I murmur, scanning the shadows for any sign of her. She's become quieter now, her breathing more controlled. It seems she's learning, adapting to the game we're playing. But I doubt that'll be enough to save her.

As I creep forward, I suddenly spot her crouched behind a tree, her torn shirt revealing more of her than she'd probably like. The sight sends a shiver down my spine, and I know I've got her cornered.

"Looking for me?" I whisper, barely loud enough for her to hear. In an instant, I'm upon her, my hand closing around her wrist as I pull her up against me.

"Constantino, please," she begs, her voice barely a whisper. "I – I don't know if I can –"

"Ah, but you agreed to this game, didn't you?" I interrupt, towering over her. "You wanted to be chased, captured...claimed." I reach out and caress her skin.

"Remember, you can always say 'stop,'" I remind her. "But deep down, you don't want that, do you?"

She doesn't say anything. She just stands there biting her lip-her tell-tale sign that she's overanalyzing the situation.

"Tell me what you want, Evelyn,” I demand, leaning in close to her. "Tell me you want me to catch you, to claim you as mine."

This time, she doesn't struggle – instead, she surrenders to my touch, her body melting into mine.

"Constantino," she breathes, her voice filled with a mix of fear and desire. "Please..."

"Please what?" I ask, my voice low and dangerous. "Tell me what you want."

With a shuddering sigh, she finally gives in. "I want you," she admits, sealing her fate. And as I look into her eyes, I know thatthis woman has awakened a lust within me like nothing I've ever experienced before.

The thrill of having Evelyn in my grasp, the warmth of her body pressed against mine, sets my blood on fire. I can't resist any longer – I need to claim her, right here, right now.

"Sorry, little rabbit, but these clothes have to go." With a rough tug, I rip what's left of her shirt from her body, leaving her exposed to the cool night air. She gasps, her chest heaving as she stares up at me with those big blue eyes, filled with a mix of fear and anticipation.

"Constantino," she whispers, her voice trembling. "Please, be careful."

"Careful?" I chuckle darkly, caught up in the heat of the moment. "You wanted this, didn't you? Wanted me to chase you down like prey?"

Her cheeks flush with color, but she doesn't deny it. Instead, she swallows hard and nods, her eyes never leaving mine. That's all the confirmation I need.

I force her down onto the forest floor, the wet leaves and twigs crunching beneath her as she lands on her back. I lower myself between her legs, my hands gripping her thighs tightly, almost bruisingly so. Her breathing becomes erratic, and I can sense her arousal building, mingling with the scent of damp earth and pine.

"Please," she begs again as I lean in, my breath hot against her skin. But she doesn't push me away, doesn't try to stop me. Instead, she arches her back, offering herself to me completely.

"Remember," I warn her, my voice low and dangerous, "you asked for this." And with that, I dive in, my mouth finding her most sensitive spots, drawing out her pleasure until she's writhing beneath me, lost in the sensations.

I suck her clit with abandon, deciding that I can't be bothered with trying to warm her up. From how wet she already isbetween her thighs, it's obvious that she doesn't need any extra coaxing.

She's moaning beneath me and my cock is so hard right now it's almost painful.
