Page 21 of Christmas of Love

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“How about you? What were you like in high school?”

A shadow drifted over Daisy’s expression, and she cleared her throat, shrugging. “Just a normal teenager.”

Her eyes wouldn’t meet mine, and I knew that was all she was going to tell me.

Chapter Five


Grief was unpredictable. That was the only predictable thing about it. I glanced at my empty beer bottle, and my belly growled.

“Hungry?” My eyes met Hunter’s, and relief spread through his gaze.

I must not have done as good of a job as I thought, trying to play off how I truly felt about high school. Actually, high school had been fine. It was the last bit of normalcy I had until everything in my life came to a stop.

Darn. I had to work on that.

“I’d love something to eat. How can I help?” he asked, setting the tray of ornaments down.

“If you’re good at opening cardboard packaging, have at it. I’ve got some great freezer snacks we can tear into.” I hopped off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

Hunter followed me to the fridge, leaning over my shoulder. The warmth of his breath skating along my scalp sent a wave of goosebumps over me.

The good kind.

“Anyway, I’ve got some pizza bites, fried ravioli, spanakopita, and taquitos.”

He laughed, his low, sexy growl of a sound, and I closed my eyes for a second. Whenever I heard that back at the bar, it stopped me in my tracks.

There was something so manly and sexy and… Hunter… about it.

I blinked my eyes open, pulled out the boxes, and shut the door with my foot, all without bumping into Hunter.

Mariah Carey came singing on the stereo, and I tried to pretend her words didn’t hit him.

Hunter wouldn’t be so bad for Christmas.

A one and done type of thing.

No commitments.

Just unwrap him.

Enjoy myself.

And put a bow on him before I send him back into the world.

I slid the box of taquitos over to him onto the counter.

“You open that one. I always have a hard time ripping the plastic.”

Hunter’s eyes met mine, and another thrill of something unexpected shot through me.

“You know, there’s these handy things called scissors nowadays.”

I chuckled. “Fine. You just got a glimpse into how lazy I can be when I’m hungry.”

Hunter’s gaze stayed on mine. “Daisy, I’ve seen how you work. There is one word I would never call you, and it’s lazy.”
