Page 15 of Wilds of the Heart

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But just having her in my arms felt good, and the feeling completely turned around the night. I still couldn’t believe Lydia had given my number to Clara. That part of my life was over.

So over.

I kissed the top of Emily’s head before I even realized what I was doing. She threw her gaze to mine and chuckled.

“What put you in a good mood so suddenly?” I noticed her touching her wildflower necklace. I’d finally figured out that she had a habit of doing that when she was nervous or uncertain.

I looked down the sidewalk and smiled. “You.”


I pulled her in, and she laughed as I felt her small frame against me.

We probably looked like two friends just having a fun night, laughing and walking down a bustling sidewalk.

But I wanted so much more.

And tonight, I’d planned on telling her that.

Until Lydia.

I wanted tonight to be perfect, but I knew things got complicated the moment Lydia mentioned Clara.

It wasn’t that Emily even blinked an eye over it, but I knew she’d bring it up.

And I didn’t readily have an explanation.

Not tonight.

The well-lit streets reflected the lively crowds going into the restaurants, cafes, and bars that lined the street.

But I couldn’t help but worry I’d run into the people Lydia had mentioned.

And that was just it. They were just people. I didn’t know them any longer. I apparently didn’t know them well then, either.

Especially Clara.

My chest tightened at the thought of everything I’d gone through at seventeen.

Not even James knew.

I could still pull this off and confess my feelings to Emily.

Emily’s gaze caught mine. “So, where are you taking me? I’m freezing and starving.”

“Two doors down. Red awning,” I told her, wrapping my arm over her shoulders to shutter the wind from her.

She curled into me as we walked in unison down the sidewalk, playfully dodging other couples and dogs until we hit the café.

“Oh, nice. I guess getting off the island now and again is okay to do.”

I chuckled, letting go of her long enough to open the door for her. She ducked inside and did a little shiver as the hostess looked over at us with a smile.

“You’re just saying that because you can smell the garlic,” I teased.

Her eyes widened into the pouty, playful expression that always drove me crazy. “What do they say about that? It drives away the vampires and dates?”

“Something like that.”
